It Wasn't Worth It After All..

Start from the beginning

       Naruto was still working when it got dark. He had a lot of papers to fill in, not to mention his resignation files. He decided to take a break, and he walked up to one of the giant windows. Naruto smiled at the view. The city lights were streaming in everywhere. The moon was shining bright and reflecting on the glass. Naruto sighed in comfort. This kind of comfort was all to familiar to him. He had nobody to comfort him after all. That's how he grew up. He grew up to enjoy life and the beauty of earth before it vanished. "A million things to focus on.. A million problems... A million stabbed hearts..." Naruto whispered. He gently placed his finger on the glass. He zoned out on the view for a while. His mind was somewhere else, somewhere far, far away. He pried his eyes away from the sight, and began working again. 

           Sasuke sighed. He had a rough, no, a horrible day. He had been blackmailed, and he was in his office working until what, 11? He was just leaving the pitch dark building, when he noticed him. There was sleeping angel toppled over on the secretary desk. Sasuke smiled on the scene, and then approached the blond. He stroked his cheek gently, and placed a kiss on his forehead. He picked up Naruto, and brought him out of the office with him. 'I've been taking him for granted for too long. It's time that's changed. I'm sorry Naruto... I don't expect you to ever forgive me...' Sasuke thought. Sasuke drove over to Hinata's house, and placed Naruto in his bed. Hinata was glaring daggers at him. "He fell asleep in the office." Sasuke explained to the very pissed Hinata. "You do realize that you won't ever be able to revive the damage you've done on him, right?" He asked. Sasuke looked down in shame. "I know. I didn't realize how much he meant to me until I lost him." Sasuke whispered. Hinata smirked in response. "That's right. You have lost him. I plan on finally making him mine now. I have loved him way back since elementary school. Unlike you, I cherished my time with him. But even with all that, you took him. But now, the tables have turned. You had him, Sasuke. But you fucked up. Now, I will make him mine." Hinata explained. Sasuke closed his eyes in shame. It was worse coming out of Hinata's mouth. Sasuke walked out of the house slowly, Hinata's words ringing in his eyes. Before he reached the door, he walked back down the hall, and into Naruto's room. 

Naruto was sleeping soundly on the bed. Sasuke sat next to him, and played with Naruto's hair. "I love you, Naruto. I hope you know that. I really did fuck up. For those two years when I cheerished you, you were the world to me. You were my light. I always chose you over anything. But after that, I chose Sakura, and my company. But, I regret that. They weren't worth it after all. I still love you, but when I bent the rules of destiny and fate, this was the price. And now, fate won't let us be together like before. Payback's a real bitch isn't it? I spent two weeks drowned in alcohol, then I get sued for something I didn't even do, then I get forced to marry someone I don't love." Sasuke explained. "I know you won't ever hear this, but I'm sorry." Sasuke said before leaving. 

      Sasuke decided to leave his car in Hinata's parking lot. He felt like walking. He walked all across town, he didn't want to go back to his house, it would remind him of how important Naruto was to him. He soon found himself at the door of his home at heart. The Uchiha Mansion. He pressed the doorbell button, and Mitoko's voice came in. "Sasuke? Is that you? Open the doors!" Mitoko called. Sasuke nodded. He needed his mothers wisdom and comfort right now. He walked past the gates, and opened the gigantic doors. He slumped on the couch, and Mitoko soon sat beside him. "What is wrong, honey?" Mitoko asked. "It's Naruto, mom. I regret what I did." Sasuke explained. "I warned you, Sasuke. Now you pay a price. You will learn a very important lesson after this, I promise. You found your light, and I told you to never let it go. But first, you need to make things right with him." Mitoko ordered. "But that's the problem, mom! I've been forced into a marriage!" Sasuke yelled. Mitoko sighed, and then made a very stern face. "Sasuke, you are a Uchiha. Always remember that. You will break that marriage." Mitoko ordered. "There isn't time! And I can't!" Sasuke cried. Mitoko nodded. "Blackmail can be very powerful, Sasuke. But you know what else is stronger? Love." Mitoko explained. "Your mother is right, you know." Fugaku agreed, walking out of the shadows. "When I was in highschool, I was the most popular. All the girls were constantly going after me, but none of them quite caught my eye. however, there was this quiet girl in the corner. She caught my eye, and now, she is Mrs. Uchiha. When a Uchiha puts their mind to something, they can do it." Fugaku explained. Sasuke nodded, but shook his head.


                                            "You don't know what Sachiko did."

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