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Two days later

I wake up to the strong smell of weed, my door was closed which was strange, I  went to bed and it was open.

I hit my bed till I find my ringing phone
6:35 am

Shit, I gotta get up

Spooky: pulling up, at 7 be at school or else
Me: going in a few, deleting now

I held down the texts deleting them, sighing
My school bag, sat untoched in the corner
"Hey, you gotta get to school" king yelled through the door
"Yeah yeah, changing now" I said back
"Mind if I watch" a random voice said
I ran locking the door
"Sorry not accepting visitors right now"
I heard their heavy steps fade, my heart was pounding 150 beats per minute

I worry about my stuff, I don't want these fuckers taking my underwear or some shit. As if king had powers to read my mind my phone dinged
King 💚: I will lock your rooms door once you leave, but we leave in ten minutes. Hurry your fine ass up...
Me: thanks! And got it sir
King 💚: sir??
Me: that was weird sorry!
I face palmed at my joke falling flat
King 💚: I am going to go by sir king now
Read 6:43

I laughed placing my phone on the charger
After I put in my deodorant and perfume I finished up. I headed out smiling like a fool

"Ready?" He asked
"Yep" I say putting lip gloss on
He opening the car door for me, I smiled nodding at him
"I um was thinking on taking you on a little date, do some cute shit or something" he was nervous
"What cute shit we thinking?" I asked
"You will have to wait but I have always wanted to do it" he said
"Hmm" I say staring at his features
"Got a staring problem? Cause a photo lasts longer" he laughed
I took out my phone, taking a bunch of photos of him smiling like a fool his hand getting closer to the lenses each click

We were laughing joking around
"What's your answer?" He asked as soon I opened the door
"You will find out when you pick me up at school, 2:30 sharp" I say closing the door

Sir king 💚: your lucky your cute.
Me: your very lucky 💖
Sir king 💚: yes or no? Just text one word
Me: one word
Sir king 💚: I am going to pick you up at 2:31 now for that attitude.
Read 6:57

Leaving him on read
"What got you smiling like that??" My brother asked
"Hey!" I hug him
"Nice to see you alive" Gio said
I winked walking into class

"Hey" a kid said to me
"Hi?" I asked
"How was your break?" They asked
"Pretty good, sorry but do I know you?" I asked feeling bad
"Ha yeah, we were both at the Green Party" she winked
"Oh okay, how was your break?" I asked
"Goodihs, I never noticed you before. Nice to see you" she smiled
A paper hit her in the head
"Nice aim jerk" she said back not even opening the paper

"Jerks" I said
"Privileged jerks" she said back
"What's your name??" I asked
"Hailey, and yours is? Willow? Right?" She said, I nodded yes before writing my number down
"Here" I say smiling as she takes it
"To make your day a little bit more bearable, I am here for math class" I say she had a bright smile.
"When is your lunch block?" She asked
"5/6" I said
"Same, why don't you sit with us. It is me and my main girls jaylee but goes by jay and emma?" She asked
"Sounds good" I said


"Hey girls!" Hailey said
"Hey bitch" a black girl said, they both were gorgeous!
"I'm jay, this is emma"
Emma was white with brown hair, she was to busy slurping a slurpy so she just waved

"Hi, I'm willow" I said
"Like the tree?" Jay asked
"My mom loves willow trees, great guess" I said, I ate my peanut butter sandwich

Felt nice to be in a random group of people
"You skate?" Jay asked
"Which type?" I asked
"Skate board" she said
"I want to, even got a board but never have"
"Want me to teach you?" She asked
"Sounds fun, what about Friday??" I asked
"Yeah, what's your contact info" she asked
I handed her and Emma my phone number

Unknown number: hey girl, it's Emma 😇
Report as junk or add to contacts
Me: hello!!
Emma: lovely to text ❤️
Read 11:46

Unknown number: hi! It's jay
Report as junk or add to contacts
Me: hi there
Read 11:47

Unknown number: it's your girl miss Hailey
Report as junk or add to contacts
Me: hi miss Hailey
Hailey: hellos miss willow

Sir king 💚: you better answer me cause I making a thug wanna cry
Sir king 💚: can I just pick you up now?
Sir king 💚: I think I miss you
Sir king 💚: want me to bring you food? Or something?
Me: king, chill only a few more hours
Sir king 💚: FINE! But at least answer me
Me: that's what I am doing dipshit
Sir king 💚: 🥺 that hurt my feelings
Me: you gonna make me laugh to loud
Sir king 💚: I can also make your scream 😉
Me: okay
Sir king 💚: damn-
Read 11:53

2:30 pm

Gio walked up to me as I looked for kings car
"Dad is worried" he said
"Why?" I asked felling my heart drop
"You told him you were on a school trip and yet to come home" he said
"Shut i told him the wrong lie" I said
"I told him that you were staying with a friend because you upset the santos. He believed my dumbass" he said
"Thanks, I can't believe I did that" I said
A bright green car started to pull up
"Leave now!"
He sprinted away, my heart started to rise

"Get in loser we are going on a date" he said with the window down" I rolled my eyes
Smacking my phone on my palm at least 20 times
"Fine you fucker" I laugh getting in the car
I barely had my seatbelt on when he speed off

Arriving back at his house, he looked so happy
"Get your fine ass up there" he said getting out of the car
I laughed opening the door, each step I walked with a little pep
"You look like a fool" he said laughing his phone pointed at me I flicked the camera off making both of us laugh
I opened the door and say a box that said

"Friendship bracelet making kit"
"Aww" I say smiling
" now sit down, I even got tape and shit cause I watched YouTube videos on this shit" he said
Locking the door
The house was clean, and the dishes were done
My door was closed, and his bed was even made
"Pick your colors" he said
"Green and black" I said
"Nice choice, imma do green and that weird color" he said
"It's a brown" I laughed
"Yeah whatever" he said

End of this chapter
Cute shit or whatever

End of this chapter Cute shit or whatever

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