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Oscar "Spooky" pov

I lay awake
Waiting till I put my fist through the wall or turn to the bottle.
Who would hurt willow? My hand clenches
My knuckles turn white
The truth is,a lot of our woman are raped,abused and killed and the police don't give a damn. So it is my job to protect them
What's that's guy name...

"Oscar?" Cesar said from my door
"What?" I asked
"You alright," he asked
"Why do you ask?" I asked
"You drank three beers, smoked a blunt and it is now 5 am and I am guessing you have not slept," he said
"Oh shit, it is morning," I said
"Yep," he said walking away
I sighed throwing my legs over my bed

The light shines through, my wooden floors have lines of yellow
The birds chirping, I close my eyes
Wishing I was on a beach, with someone I love but then I snap into reality

White tank, gray shorts, black nikes
Wow, I am a fashionista.

I sit on my front step, watching lights turn on as people wake
A few cars pass going to work a 9-5 just to make it to the next week. These are my people

The house across me opens the door,a figure I know know well stands, a girl I wish to know

Willow, a girl I have admired since I was a schoolboy. I may be three years older but I feel so old compared to her bright eyes, golden skin, and fluffy hair

Her stride was wide, as her head looks back and forth before crossing the street
Her silk tank top moving in the wind.
I will admit I was only looking at her boobs as she ran across, but don't blame a guy longing for a girl he may never have.

"Spooky" her honey-like voice spoke
"How may I help you?" I ask
She sat next to me
"Do you ever feel like you can trust someone even though you don't know them?" She asked


"You are that person." She said

"I am?" I ask

"I just wanted you to know, that if I trust you that you have me" she spoke
" you Um, have a school" I mustered out
"I know, I might see you after," she said standing, I stood for some reason to
"I hope," I said
She smiled and walked away, I watched her till her figure disappeared into the distance

"Hey homie," sad eyes said
"What's going on?" He asked
"Just thinking, nothing big," I say
"Bro, is this about that girl?" He asked as he locked his car, walking closer to me
"Shes not just a girl," I say
"How's the shoulder?" He asked
"Hurts like a bitch" I say

"How is Cesar??" He than asked
"I am forcing him to say here, I took the pain medication away and he only gets it if he stays," I said, I know that little shit

"Monse? How is she doing" sad eyes asked
"I think good, she came over and freaked out about him getting shot but then she made food and left" I say looking at the blue car passing
"Their body count went up" he spoke breaking my train of thought
"Two more dead on our side, they where are the corner store when two bitches shot them" he said grabbing two beers.
"They are trying to get their respect and trying to make it equal, tell everyone to stay home except our main six" I tell me as he runs off to make phone calls, a green car begins to pass
I flung my body behind my half wall
Bullets began to fly, each bang, each hole into my fucking house
The bullets stopped, the car sped down the street. Fucking hell

Hours passed using cheap wood to bored the house up, all eight of us giving ideas till my door busted open. A worried willow busted through

"What the fuck! What the fuck happened spooky" she yelled closing the door
" I got shot at" I try to say calm but her face right now makes me feel different
"And are you going to do anything about it?" She asked walking towards me
"We are trying to figure it out" I say
"Everyone on the street is scared! My sister won't leave her room. And my brother, no clue where he is!" Her voice cracks
"He is safe, everyone is safe. We are trying to make a plan" I say
"We are thinking a drive-by" sad eyes said
"That's stupid, your windows would be down, and no matter how fast you drive it would take six minutes to go off that Main Street and if they block you in you are all dead the smartest option is to set them up" she says
We all look at each other
"Set them up?" Greenlight spoke
"Put them in jail, no one else need to die" she spoke
"Take a seat" I say as she pulls out a chair, her legs spread across, her chest pushing on the backing of the chair
I clear my throat, "explain"
"Gio told me about the heist, the old money you guys have. Those old bills only were manufactured in 1982 so they could be given back to the bank if you guys send an Anonymous tip and somehow get the money to them. They will be found with the dirty bills then blamed for the heist  and boom bang now in jail." She spoke, all of us just looked at her
"Damn, she's good" halo said

"How would the tip not be traced back to us?" Greenlight asked
"Burner phone, I could do it since no one has heard my voice," she says
"Oh I am totally in" greenlight said
"I'm in" sad eyes said
The others agree
"I'm only in, if, and that's if willow joins" I spoke, watching her eyes narrow. Her hips slightly rolled moving closer to me. "I'm in" she said with a smirk that could make a man go mad.

For the next three hours, we worked tirelessly for a plan. Willow proving herself to be more than a girl, more than satisfactory in the field of masterminding.
"Willow, can I talk to you in the back?" I ask
"Of course" she says
She threw her leg over the side, twisting her body. Standing slowly, her hips swaying slightly as she walked
"Spooky, we are heading out to tell the other the plan" sad eyes said as they ran out to get to their cars quickly. I walked slowly to my bedroom where willow sat on my bed
Her feet swinging, palms flat in the bed

"Willow" I say leaning in the doorway
"Oscar," she says back
"Thank you for the plan," I say
"Just something I came up with"

"You look, pretty,"  I say
"Thanks" she says looking away from me
"You shy? Cross?" I use her last name
"Are you Diaz?" She asked
I walked slowly in front of her, a smirk went on her face
"Oh, baby I am not" I say
Her face turns a shade of red as soon as the word baby rolls off my tongue
"Mmh I don't know about that"  she says
I push her shoulders slightly back, her back laid on the bed
I climbed onto the bed, moving her under me

"Spook, we can't" she says placing her hands on my shoulders
"Yeah,um. The plan" I said getting off her
"How do we get them the bills?" I ask clearing my throat
"Gio? He's black well half" she said
"What about you?" I asked
"Me?" She asked
"They would trust a black female quick" he said
After a long pause, the ceiling fan cooling me down slowly her hand slid across the bed
She placed  it gently on mine. It began to burn longing to touch more of her skin
"I pretend I was part of the santos, you did me wrong and I am extremely upset so I betray y'all" I say
"That dangerous, saying it was personal with me" I say as her eyes connect with mine
"I lead them to a empty warehouse, with the money and we make it look like you left in a hurry leaving the money" I say
"This could work but not over-" she cut me off
"I know, but I don't mind wearing green for a couple weeks" she said
"Mí amor please" I said
Her face showed a light pink shade,
"Spook, please" she responded

"Let's tell the rest" I say as we headed for the safe house
staring out the window, she not once said a word
"What going on" I asked
"I yelled at Gio, kicked him out for joining the santos and now I am going to be in both fucking gangs" her voice laced with regret
"We do stupid things for love, for family. You did what you did because you were scared. Gio does not blame you" I saying
"Yeah" is all she said

"Spooky, what's the plan" Gio asked

End of this chapter

How you feeling?
Sorry I have not posted, shit happens.

Clue for next chapter:
Slow burn

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