A spy

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''So.'' Lady Tsunade started ''After you've come back there are still going to be consequences for your actions, understood?''. Sasuke nodded Tsunade was indeed a very scary women. ''Good, first we're going to interrogate you, so you don't betray us the moment you get the opportunity.'' she finished. ''Wait! Sasuke wouldn't betray us, he came back willingly!'' Naruto explained. ''Maybe for the good or bad of konoha. l'm not going to risking it.'' Tsunade told them looking at the group ''but-.'' Naruto was going to start again but was cut off by Kakashi signaling that they should leave. ''Thank you hokages-sama we'll leave Sasuke in your care.'' with a deep bow he ushered his students out.

The very next day they were called back to the hokage's offices and Sasuke was there! Naruto looked just as confused as Sakura. ''So let's get started.'' Tsunade said ''after looking through Sasuke's memories we found some quite... surprising things.'' Sasuke had a weird look on his face ''But.'' Tsunade continued 'We have decided his punishment, Sasuke will be put in prison for sometime and will be let out after but kept under strict watch till we can be 100% sure we trust him, and naruto be grateful you brat i'm going this for your sake, The village councils wanted to keep him locked up for years.''. ''Thank you hokage-sama.'' Kakashi said for Naruto. ''But wait when are you letting Sasuke out?'' Naruto ask ''that for me to know and you to find out.'' Tsunade replied looking at her documents on her desk. ''Now everything should be sorted so get out.''

After team 7 left, Kakashi decided to scout the boundaries of konoha, Why he had no idea. Why did an enemy nin give up Sasuke that easily? The question circled his mind constantly, perhaps they didn't need him anymore. Kakashi kepted on jumping from tree to tree he didn't really know why he was out here but he was. Then he stopped he spotted a figure. He wasn't sure if he should turn back and report it to the hokage or not, but he noticed it was that Tobi guy. He turned around and disappeared into the forest, Kakashi followed in pursuit.

Kakashi trailed after the akatsuki member for quite a bit till they reached a clearing where Kakashi lost sight of him the only place he could of gone was the cave embedded on the side of a little hill or he could've kamui away but it's better safe than sorry. Kakashi crept into the cave carefully watching his step there was puddles of water gathered by the rain a few days ago, but the akatsuki member was nowhere to be seen. Then there was Obito, little Obito Half crushed by a bolder, Kakashi immediately tried to push the boulder but couldn't move it a ninja at his level should be able to move it easily so he decided to use chidori, but as he was about to strike the bolder the scene changed and then Rin was there struck by his chidori Kakashi saw the look of horror he vowed to forget but now he had a fresh reminder. Just as he thought this couldn't get any worse his father appear curled up on the wooden floor of their little house. Kakashi was panicking his breaths becoming rapit, he didn't know what to do he couldn't run away from his fears like before he was trapped in an infinite loop of love, death, heartbreak, with a weak cry of help Kakashi fainted.

The sky was gloomy outside the sky turning gold, pink then purple. Kakashi blinked awake wondering where he was and quickly remembered what happened. He sat up and leaped to his feet, he was put under a genjutsu. A figure was standing at the entrance, staring at him. The masked man! Kakashi quickly got in a fighting stance but with the enemy at the entrance he was a caged bird. ''Who are you?'' Kakashi asked, more grateful than ever that his voice was steady. ''Bakashi..'' They said it was a simple nickname but it hit Kakashi like a truck going 300mph. ''H-How do you know that name?'' Kakashi asked his voice finally cracking. The akatsuki member slipped his mask off and Kakashi was right this Tobi was really good looking, he had a simple black cloth covering his eyes just like his mask that covers his lower part of his face, but it gave a mysterious look to him which he heard some women in the village say makes them hot and Kakashi could kinda see that, just a bit. He shook his head he couldn't be thinking how good an enemy nin looks right now even though it's true, it was time to stuff some more feelings in a bottle and hope it doesn't crack. Very efficient. But now serious Kakashi was back and he had to stay if he wants to survive. 

The enemy nin circle Kakashi as he revealed himself. Kakashi was having the biggest mental break down in his head but he refused to cry. This was his old comrade and friend/crush but he was on the other side wanting to destroy the things he loved. Why didn't Obito come back? But then the obvious truth hit him he saw him kill Rin that's the only reason. Then Obito went on how he was going to put everyone in an infinite tsukuyomi what kaguya did long ago. Kakashi didn't understand was he going all of this for Rin. Kakashi had known how much Obito loves Rin so he was hopeless in love and he was ever so guilty for killing Rin with his own hands. As all surprises are, he was doing this for the good of the world He told him when Kakashi asked. Kakashi knew how harsh the world could be if your nice to the world it doesn't mean it'll be nice to you like Rin. But it also house many innocent people that knows no more than less how harsh it could be and being a shinobi of the hidden leaf he was bound to serve it and love it and protect it with his life. So he attacked his heart cried for he not to and try to reason with his very much alive, dead friend. But he was caught off guard when Obito wrapped a hand around his waist the other lifting up his chin so they were face to face as Kakashi crashed against Obito. Kakashi blushed madly since this could only in his dreams. While Obito just smirked. Kakashi was grateful that he had his mask it was one of its uses, people couldn't tell if he was smiling or frowning in disappointment. But Obito seemed to notice the change in his expression, Kakashi's heart was beating harder and faster by the minute and the butterflies were flying uncontrollably in his stomach, he could feel his face heating up. But just as Obito brought Kakashi face closer everything went dark again he must of passed out there was too much heat.

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