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Sakura sat besides Kakashi after doing all she can. Naruto sat next to Sasuke, while keeping a close eye on the enemy at the entrance, he wasn't going to let anything happen to him after spending so long time chasing the rogue ninja. Kakashi's left eye was starting to hurt again and it doesn't make it any better with a enemy so close, though he hasn't done anything yet, its never good to leave your guard down. Kakashi looked at the akatsuki member, he studied the swirling orange mask that covered his face. He thought back to the time he saw the glowing Sharingan behind that mask. Kakashi knew Obito was dead it was just a hopeless man's dream. Kakashi closed his eyes calming himself down he needed to store his chakra just in case. It was a few hours before Uchiha Sasuke made a sound. Right now the Uchiha couldn't see anything since his eyes were still healing from the battle. He sat up, groaning cause of his injury. He looked around though he couldn't see anything, ''What happened?'' He said in a slow voice. '' Sasuke-kun..'' Sakura said acknowledging her presence ''S-sakura?!'' He said cursing to himself for the studder. ''You shouldn't be sitting up, you'll open up the cut.'' Sakura told him. ''What are you doing here?! where am I?!'' Sasuke said completely ignoring what Sakura had just said. ''One question at a time Sasuke'' Kakashi spoke up. '' Kakashi?!'' Sasuke exclaimed, hearing his mentor. ''Naruto is here too.'' Sakura informed him. ''Naruto?'' Sasuke asked, ''Hey teme.'' Naruto said putting a hand on Sasuke's arm. While Sasuke was having a hundred thought a second. Naruto..., Naruto, Naruto was here. The one that he loved so much and someone he vowed not to hurt yet he did. Sasuke was speechless for a moment ''Naruto.'' Sasuke said again not quite believing it, but there he was, Sasuke could sense his chakra, right next to him. Sasuke felt the faint fluttering of butterflies becoming stronger and stronger in his stomach. After years of trying to push down these feelings, all that hard work was wasted in a single moment, he just couldn't get that smiling idiot out of his heart and head. ''Sasuke we understand why you want to do these things, so please come back with us!'' Sakura begged, Sasuke wasn't sure if she was crying or not but that plead annoyed him, they didn't know what he wants they didn't understand him, or his pain. ''No.'' Sasuke started ''You don't know about me, you don't know my pain!'' He yelled, Sakura flinched. ''Sasuke please, come back we need you!'' Naruto said as he held out his hand. Sasuke hesitated for a bit. He didn't want to go back to the village, he had to complete his goal.... 

But what was his goal? Now he killed his brother he didn't know what to do. He was so fixated on getting revenge that he didn't think what to do next. Then another voice spoke up ''You seem lost.'' Tobi said, it was as if he was mocking him. ''Hey don't say that.'' Naruto yelled at him ''Sasuke come back and i'll help you, we all will.'' Naruto told him. He sounded really determined. ''You can bring him back to the village, but l have something to discuss with him, alone.'' Tobi told them ''you can tell him with us here.'' Naruto said.

''The Uchiha clan was planning to overthrow the village from its founding clans. The man Danzo used this as an opportunity to coax Itachi into killing his clan'' Tobi started. ''What do you mean?!'' Sasuke growled there was a hint of venom in his voice. ''Itachi spared you as a reward. Considering the massacre of the Uchiha clan inevitable should they engage in civil war, Itachi accepted the deal to end his clan early so long as you were spared. Itachi did not kill you because he loved you too much. Danzo allowed you to be spared from the planned Uchiha massacre so long as Itachi seemed alone in the plan.'' 

Sasuke didn't know what to do as he digested this information. He wanted to scream and rip this person's limbs one by one. In his rage, black flames encased Tobi and he screamed in fright but soon recover passing through the floor and appearing again in a different location. Sasuke was caught in his own thoughts. He had killed a innocent man that sacrificed his entire life for him, this was all konoha's fault! ''Did you know this?'' Sasuke said turning to Naruto with rage in his voice. ''F-for sometime.'' Naruto confessed ''I-l tried to tell you!''.  Then he yelped in surprise as flames gathered around him ''Sasuke stop!'' Kakashi yelled in alarm. Sasuke realizing what he was doing quickly stopped. Sakura ran over to help Naruto. ''Have you decided what you shall do next?'' The akatsuki member asked his voice becoming unlike the one they've heard.

sorry if theres mistakes my laptop doesn't autocorrect pls vote and comment

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