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Kakashi was standing now. He wasn't sure if he should tell his students to grab Sasuke and make a run for it while he stayed and tried to hold the enemy off. There was a very awkward silence since no one knew what to say. Night was closing in very soon, as the clouds darken the booming of a storm could be heard Kakashi didn't want to spend a night in a cave with an enemy but at this state, Naruto and Sakura were tired and Sasuke was in no shape to move. So team 7 settled up at the entrance since if the akatsuki member attacked they could make a run for it if they need to and so they wouldn't be cornered. Naruto helped Sakura lay Sasuke in a comfortable spot and went to sleep curled up. Kakashi didn't, he had to stay watch, while Tobi was fast asleep, Kakashi would never sleep with an enemy so god damn close that he could just stab them in their sleep. Sakura sat up from her position the fire they made was just a few sparks now barely lighting anything. ''Go to sleep Kakashi sensei, l'll keep watch.'' Sakura told him reassuringly, Kakashi nodded and lean on the side of the cave and went to sleep.

Kakashi was running for his life, rocks were falling everywhere. there was nowhere to run. A chunk of rock fell from above the next thing he knew everything black. ''K-Kakashi are you okay?'' Obito? Kakashi thought as he got up his head was hurting and his memories were still fuzzy. Wheres Rin and Obito? his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. ''O-Obito!'' Kakashi ran over to the place where Obito was half crushed by a rock ''O-obito!'' Kakashi yelled again as he stood up and tried to push the boulder off and not succeeding. ''Kakashi don't worry about it l want to give you a present, l want you to have my Sharingan so l can watch over you guys in heaven.''

Kakashi was shook awake by a panicked Sakura Kakashi looked outside and it was still dark. ''Kakashi-sensei are you alright'' Sakura asked, Kakashi nodded ''What happened Sakura?'' Kakashi asked. ''You were sweating a lot and your chakra was becoming more and more unstable.'' Sakura told him ''Ah, it's probably my sharingan acting up, nothing to worry about'' He told and went back to sleep.

The morning sun shone into the cave where team 7 temporarily set up. All eyes were on Sasuke waiting on his decision. ''Fine i'll come back to the village i'll find out my next plan there'' He finally said. Naruto and Sakura rejoiced in happiness. And soon the team was ready to head back to Konoha and report on they're success. All along the way Naruto was talking as if Sasuke had never left the village in the first place. Soon the gates of Konoha appeared in the distance. ''Man l haven't been here in a long time'' Sasuke said when they were standing at the gate, the guards let them in after noting that the copy ninja with his team and a missing nin had walked through the gates. They headed up to the Hokage tower ready to suffer another long lecture from lady Tsunade.

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