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team 7 and team 8 scouted through the forest. They were trying to track down Sasuke and find out his next destination and hopefully bring him back this time. Hinata and kiba were on the ground with Akamaru and Hinata using her byakugan. Kakashi was up in the trees jumping tree to tree with Naruto and Sakura and their left was Yamato with Shino and Sai. They were spreading out to cover more ground, but still sticking in each others sight. 

Soon night fell the sky bleeding into orange then red, finally purple, the team took in their surroundings, tall spruce trees surrounding them, licks of sunlight shining through the leaves. the team decided to made camp here to rest in and return to after scouting. Yamato was taking the first watch. Kakashi made a small fire, dimly lighting up their surroundings. The fire crackled and Kakashi tried to make himself comfortable, not succeeding he decides to scout for abit, for the team. ''Where are you going?'' Yamato asked as Kakashi stood up to leave, ''To scout and clear my head.'' Kakashi replied softly. Yamato had known Kakashi long enough to not question the older jonin, he gave slight nod and Kakashi left the light of the campfire and disappeared into the forest. 

It wasn't like Kakashi to go on without his student usually he'll just read his book but Kakashi didn't feel like doing that.

Darkness surrounded Kakashi, he used his chakra to find his way since he could see absolutely nothing not even his hand.

Eventually Kakashi had tired himself out so he headed back to the camp. he felt a pair of watchful eyes watching as he navigated through the trees. He tried stretching his chakra out, but he couldn't sense this person's chakra. So either he or she is hiding their chakra really well or he was just tired and imagining things. Kakashi isn't necessarily scared of the dark, but he found himself picking up his paced. When Kakashi saw the light of the camp he sprinted to the light. Once in the security of the camp he felt the presence disappear. '' You okay?'' Yamato asked when he burst through the forest into the camp. ''I'm fine.''Kakashi said glad his voice was still steady, he was actually a bit shaken, he sighed with relief.

The sun rose and the camp was awake Sakura packed up the essential things while barking orders to Naruto to put out the fire. Kiba was feeding Akamaru and Hinata was getting ready to use her byakugan, the best she can, Sai was organizing. The group started on the road once more, Akamaru sniffed at the ground barking once in a while. Suddenly Akamaru's head snapped up and sniffed in the air catching a scent trail, with a bark he ran off the road into the forest. ''wait up Akamaru!'' Kiba yelled and ran off after the hound. The rest of the team looked at each other and followed in pursuit. They came to a stop, Akamaru was barking at something up in the tree. '' An akatsuki member!'' Yamato exclaimed. Naruto smirked as a clone of him attacked with a rasengan in hand. It was a clear hit but they were surprised when the attack fazed right through his body! Clone Naruto stumbled with surprise disappearing right after. '' I-l can sense part of him disappearing when Naruto-kun attacked. B-but l'm not sure where.'' Hinata informed the group, ''Its okay Hinata you did a great job.'' Yamato told her, but now the attention was shifted back to the enemy. They fought hard but everytime they were about to land a hit, he would disappear into the ground, it was called the whack-a-mole. When everyone was sure they just can't get him. Then a plant? no it couldn't be, it was white one black the other and on the sides of its head two leaf looking things sat close to its head. Then it spoke ''Uchiha Itachi is dead, Uchiha Sasuke has won.'' the group gasped as the creature spoke in a  monotone voice. ''What?! l don't believe it!'' the enemy exclaimed in a high pitch voice, ''Just kidding, it's just as l expected...''. the voice change had caught Kakashi off guard and for a second the mismatched eyes of the Hatake met the other. Kakashi had saw the sharingan, as clear as day through the one hole of the mask. The enemy disappeared through a swirling pattern so did the plant creature. ''We better go and see if Sasuke left any clues!'' Naruto said urgently, recovering first from shock, and so the teams ran as fast as they can to the site. All along the way Kakashi was thinking of what he saw, he didn't tell his comrades cause they wouldn't know the answer either. Obito's dead, Obito's dead, Kakashi thought repeatedly in his head, but he knew the truth the similarities were unseeable. But why didn't Obito come back to the village? Kakashi thought, all this thinking was starting to make his head hurt, so he pushed the thought to the back of his head and focused on finding Sasuke instead.

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