Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!

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Jaune then decided to speak up.

"If that's the case, then Frieza doesn't know that if he kills Guru, then the Dragon Balls will be rendered useless!" Jaune revealed.

Vegeta looked towards the blonde with a surprised face.

"W-What?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Oren then looked towards his friends with a look of determination.

"Alright, that settles it! You guys go and find the Dragon Balls, while the three of us handle this Frieza guy!" Oren said.

Jaune looked concerned.

"Are you sure Oren?" Jaune asked.

Oren smiled back.

"Don't worry, Fasha and I trained while we were traveling here. we should be fine." Oren said.

Jaune and the others didn't know what else to say, so they flew off.

"Don't die on us!" Ruby said, flying after the others.

Just as soon as she left, two individuals were flying to their location! Captain Ginyu and Jeice landed onto the ground, facing the three Saiyan's. Ginyu was studying the three Saiyan's in silence. At this moment, Vegeta began to think to himself.

'Wait a minute, if neither Ginyu nor Frieza are back at the ship, then it'll be defenseless. That also means the Dragon Balls are unprotected as well, ripe for the picking.' Vegeta mused while smirking.

After studying them, Ginyu turned to his second in command.

"So, he's the one who took out Burter and Recoome?" Ginyu asked.

Jeice nodded.

"Y-Yes sir! He tossed them around as if they were ragdolls!" Jeice exclaimed.

 Ginyu looked back towards Oren and activated his scouter.


After his scouter finished reading Oren's power level, he raised his eyebrow.

"Strange? It reads only five thousand?" Ginyu said.

"I know right? That's what ours read!" Jeice replied. 

Ginyu continued to study Oren further.

"Hmph, I see. He must be able to hide his power level at will. Not too many species can do that. But by my estimates, his true power level is around sixty thousand!" Ginyu announced.

Jeice's eyes nearly bulged from their sockets.

"W-What?! Sixty thousand! But he's just a Saiyan, no ape can get THAT strong!" Jeice exclaimed.

Ginyu crossed his arms.

"It's not too unheard off. He's probably a really gifted warrior who's fighting power has been amplified by either training, or mutation. Either way, I've got a feeling that this is going to be an interesting fight. Who thought that today was the day Captain Ginyu would show off his true power!" Ginyu said, while smirking.  

Oren and Fasha got into their fighting stances while facing Captain Ginyu and Jeice.

"Alright Vegeta. Me and Fasha will deal with the big guy, while you go for the red one." Oren said.

Vegeta looked at Oren, and smirked. Vegeta then quickly flew into the air.

"Good luck Tato! Mwah ha ha!" Vegeta said mockingly.

"V-Vegeta!" Oren yelled.

Fasha gritted her teeth.

"Grr! That little shit! He's going after the Dragon Balls!" Fasha growled.

Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang