Lunch with Da Bois

Start from the beginning

"Sasaki. Sasaki?"

I'm pulled out of my inappropriate thoughts by Midoriya trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh, sorry I was thinking about something." I scratch the nape of my neck out of embarrassment of zoning out like that.

"Oh it's alright..." he smiled brightly making me notice his adorable freckles as well. This guy is really the full package...I wonder if he's kinky. I felt my face starting to heat up and immediately shake my head to rid of the thoughts. Damn, I have a problem. I must be sexually frustrated or something. "...what were you thinking about?" Midoriya continues. Shit! Think of something, anything!

"You guys ready to order?" The waitress who seated us and conversed with Bakugo earlier came to take our orders. Thank god!

"Yes! Thank you!" I couldn't help but let my gratitude for her interruption seep out.

"Great! What can get for you miss?" She asked with the cutest smile. Big tip. I feel my cheeks heating up again and try to hide it in my menu.

"I'll just get the Caesar salad, thank you." I hand her the menu returning her smile and shooting her a wink. Because why not? She chuckles and turns to Bakugo who's giving me a strange look, like me winking at her was crazy or something.

"Oh...ahem, I'll get the spicy chicken sandwich with extra jalapeños and chipotle." He hands her his menu as well giving her an awkward half smile and confirming nod.

She thanks Bakugo and turns to Midoriya, " And you sir?"

"I'll get the Classic Cheeseburger, thank you." He smiles at her sweetly and she blushes as he hands over his menu.

"Mhm, sounds good! Thank you, I'll be back shortly with your food!" She finishes writing down the order and smiles before walking away from the table.

"Sasaki, I have to say your Japanese is really good for being from America!" Miidoriya blurts out.

"Oh, well I-" but before I could explain to him I was cut off by a certain blonde bombshell. Get it? Cause he's hot, and he has an explosion quirk...God, I'm hilarious.

"Deku you're an idiot. She told us at the meeting she was born and raised here 'til she was 8." he rolls his eyes.

I was a little surprised he remembered that, he didn't seem to be paying much attention during the meeting.

" Oh! I'm so sorry Kana-chan! I must've missed it when you said that, I didn't mean to offend you!" He says frantically waving his arms around apologizing profusely. I chuckle a bit at the new nickname I've been given trying to hide my blush that just won't go away.

"Oh no really it's fine Midoriya! I don't mind explaining it again, I was kinda vague at the meeting, I apologize." I give him a reassuring smile before I continue. " Well as Bakugo said, I was born and raised here in Japan until I was 8. My parents are pro-heroes and decided to move to America since there are more job opportunities. So they packed up me and my two sisters and we moved to California, and I've been there ever since. My parents moved back here to run the agency here after I became a Pro, leaving me and my sisters to run our family hero agency back in America. They only retired recently."

"Oh wow! So your whole family is made of Pro Heroes! That's awesome! You'll have to tell me about their quirks one day." He says as he smiles excitedly. "Speaking of, I know you didn't want to go into too much detail about it at the meeting, but would you mind explaining your quirk now?"

He was clearly eager to know more about me and I didn't mind. I just didn't want that meeting to go longer than what was necessary. By the look in their eyes, they were hanging on the edge of their seats waiting for my explanation. So I obliged.

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