Clocks and Shade

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Hope is only sparked by a miracle.

From the darkness, she emerged.

Her shield was not of light but something immaterial.

The power was unexplainable.

Far too immense to merely be categorized.

She had made an entrance.

Now no one would be capable of forgetting.

To forget the past is the only way to forgive.

And yet, that headache shall remain.

It is deep-seated in her mind, infecting her heart.

The poison will latch onto her power.

Gradually, she shall become him,

Through deception, betrayal, and revenge.

But in the end, she must be selfish.

Selfishness is the only key to survival.

Until others spun simple words into palpable dreams.

There were various forms of love.

Ones that would not damage but mend.

Those forms would piece her back together,

Haul her out of the shadows of another.

She had ultimately found something real.

Reality is the only way to see through it all.

The world is cruel and unfair but we must rise above it all.

People work for their self-interests.

She could never have what she truly desired,

His untainted devotion for eternity.

For only two things are infinite.

She is the universe, and he is the greed of men.


For all who haven't caught on, this story is based in the Grishaverse. It centers around a Grisha from the seaport of Os Kervo in West Ravka. Her name is Katyia Tinyakova and she will break the foundations of her world. 

SPOILERS ARE A GIVEN!! Please don't say I didn't warn you. Once again, Leigh Bardugo owns all characters and plots outside of my original story and original characters. We start a year before Alina and Mal are introduced with Act I. Acts II, III, and IV will follow the three main novels with altered storylines throughout.

Anyway, let's move on. And I'll help you out, it's Teen-yuh-cove-uhh. I'm great with spelling out pronunciations, I know.

Also, leave comments! I love reading them :)

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