Journal 3

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"w-what is this drink?!"

A green headed alien gawked at the marvelous drink he just slurped. The texture, the taste w-WHAT IS THIS DELICACY?! SOME SORT OF BLESSING FROM HEAVEN—?!

"Glad you like it" replied the old man who seems to be the owner and maker of said drink. The man smiled as he fixes his hat, wiping down a cup before his attention turned to the slowly approaching figure of a boy. He turned his body walking to a counter before the boy hands him down a piece of paper

"Good job Boboiboy"

"Thanks tok"

"Don't forget about mee!"
An Indian boy buttered in waving his hand upwards receiving looks of disapproval from the two figures

The both of them looked at each other before chuckling. Looks like their loyal customer is back and ever with his antics on the kokotiam.

"Special hot Chocolate?" Tok aba guessed already grabbing a few cups to prepare his customer's drinks. Even if he knew most of the time the boy would always order the same thing on every chance he get he can't help himself to ask, To him it's always good to chat to customers even if it's just a small talk like ordering

"You knew it tok!" Said Gopal throwing finger guns at tok aba slightly tilting his seat backwards, and unfortunately for him he slipped and landed with his butt on the ground. He let out a loud yelp in pain as he can only pat his aching butt

"Hehe awesome" Boboiboy gave him a thumbs up as he chuckled

"Okay okay continue your duty Boboiboy we still have customers coming in" 3 cups of boiling hot chocolate was served on the counter  already placed in a tray for easier access to be delivered.

"Yes tok!"

Yaya and ying approached steadily to Gopal on the kokotiam, Yaya greeting the boy and ying simply put a wave at him before joining on him sitting at one of the stools

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Yaya and ying approached steadily to Gopal on the kokotiam, Yaya greeting the boy and ying simply put a wave at him before joining on him sitting at one of the stools

Tok aba seems to take notice of her presence and wip up a delicious chocolate cekodok, ying bid the old man her 'thanks' as she takes a piece munching on them humming in satisfaction

"How's your chocolate?" She started glancing at Gopal

"Good as always, man tok aba's drinks never fails"

"Haih, you'll never going to grow old from it huh?" The pigtailed girl rolled her eyes taking a piece of her own dish before biting onto it

On the corner of her eye she saw a bit of orange. Gopal seems to take notice of his best friend, Aaving and saying his greeting to said boy. He seems even more swelled when the orange boy waved and greeted him back approaching the duo whilst brushing imaginary stains and dirt on his apron

"Hi Gopal, hi ying"

"Hey Boboiboy" the two spoked in unison

Boboiboy looked around before facing them back again his feature showing a slight frown "where's Yaya?"

Photosynthesis Duo: A Duo Who Got Left Behind (discontinued sorry lol-)Where stories live. Discover now