Chapter 35: The Phonecalls, Mysteries and Lies

Start from the beginning

Taehyung sighed.

'It's the first time in months I haven't seen you for so many hours... It's just strange...' he mumbled.

Jungkook was silent for a moment.

'Do you have your suitcase near?'

Taehyung eyed the said thing which was lying on the floor near the bed.


'My white hoodie is there... Goodnight, Tae...' Jungkook disconnected.

Taehyung smiled with crazy butterflies running through his whole body. He heard how much shyness was in Jungkook's voice. Yet in just two minutes he made Taehyung calm and ready to sleep. Taehyung took out the hoodie and wore it. It smelled of the softener only Jungkook was using in the Palace.

Taehyung put on the hood, hugged his pillow and closed his eyes.

It's just 72 hours, right? He will survive...

Next day Taehyung didn't really have time. He just managed to text Jungkook "Good morning" and the busy day started. Jimin was like a hurricane. He wanted to show Yoongi everything. And Yoongi being the whipped husband he was, agreed to be pulled from place to place in Daegu.

Yoongi knew he was born here, but his family mainly lived with the King so the only place he called home was the Palace.

The three of them met with their parents for the dinner in the restaurant and all of them visited Taehyung and Jimin's old college after.

'It feels better than the private school I went to with Hoseok...' Yoongi said, looking around. 'More freedom... More cheerful...'

'You went to a private school?' Mrs Choi asked, impressed.

'Yes. In Korea and abroad. I majored in Defense & Strategic Studies. Me and Hoseok needed to have an accelerated course of study.'

'What was the King's major if I may ask?' Mr Choi asked.

'International Affairs and Business Management.'

Taehyung frowned. He never asked Jungkook about his studies.

'Jungkook applied for any University?' he asked Yoongi.

They were looking at the Memory Wall, while the crowd of students were passing by.

'No. He doesn't want to. There is no need for him to go either...' Yoongi chuckled. 'He prefers to take short courses in Seoul or international courses online. He has a ton of diplomas and certificates. And when he is bored he just tries something watching tutorials on youtube and guess what... this motherfucker... is doing it like a pro. He has a diploma from the basics of programming to freakin filmmaking...'

Taehyung smiled proudly to himself. His Jungkookie was so talented... He felt the sudden need to take out his phone to text Jungkook. He reached into his pocket when he felt that.


Inner need.

The rush of blood in veins.

The wolf inside him howled. 

His hand trembled and he dropped his phone to the ground.

He looked around anxiously when his hands became all sweaty and breath hitched. His eyes were jumping from face to face, searching through the crowd.

Where? From what direction?

Jimin turned around hearing the noise Taehyung's phone made. He automatically bent to pick it up.

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