Chapter 7: A Battle For The Mind

Start from the beginning

A thought had popped up in his head, a thought that somewhat brought him joy at least a reasonable amount.

"Just think about Mr. Birdie...Yes, Mr. Birdie...I still have to see him again and share some cup noodles with him..." Izuku said to himself.

The thought of hanging out with Mr. Birdie once again brought him joy. As his hands had relaxed and his nails stopped digging into the wall. As he imagines sitting down on the school roof eating cup noodles with Mr. Birdie, talking for hours on end. The imaginary sight had relaxed Izuku, as he slowly let go of the wall. Still laying on it, but he wasn't holding on for it for dear life.

"Ok...Now for the hard part..." Izuku said.

As he was still unsure if he has the willpower to force himself to walk down the ominous hallway, and open the dark door to see the contents that lay behind it. He took a sharp inhale, and slowly stepped forward. His back parting from the wall's touch, as he slowly walked down the hallway. Turning his head to the left as he stared at one of the white doors.

As he slowly placed his hand on it's doorknob, gripping it softly this time. As he tries to turn the doorknob but found great difficulty in doing so. His eyes widen in surprise, as he immediately concluded as too why the doorknob wouldn't turn. It was locked from the inside, pulling it just to make sure. As the door wouldn't budge open.

He then retracted his hand from the knob and turned his attention away from the door. Turning to the right, as he started to inspect the other door instead. Placing his hand unto the knob, and doing the same process again. Concluding that this door is also locked. He then moved away from that door.

And moved on to the other sets of doors, as he tested them as well. They're also locked, concluding that the other sets of white doors are locked as well. As Izuku then grew weary at the thought of all the white doors on the sides of the hallway were locked. Leaving only one door to open, the dreaded dark door at the end of the hallway.

"I have no choice, do I?...Sigh...When will this end?" Izuku thought to himself.

As he slowly accepted the fact that he has no other choice, but to just enter the door. As he begrudgingly walked forward, walking down the seemingly endless hallway. Still dreading as too what's lurking behind that door. As he son passed many white doors. Still no where close to the door.

As he continued to slowly walk down the hallway, going a pretty far distance away from his support wall. His location somewhat in the middle of the long hallway. Choosing to continue on walking down the hallway. Going in a slow pace, making sure that he doesn't accidently step on something like a trap. Or making sure that he doesn't trigger anything that may be lying inside one of the locked white rooms.

But as he got deeper and deeper down the hallway, the feeling of dread had doubled. As he now was closer and closer to the dark door. His fear swelling up inside of him once again, feeling as if he's going to barf from the pressure. Taking a few more steps before stopping completely, placing his left hand unto one of the flat surfaces of the wall.

Using it as support as he started to inhale and exhale repeatedly. As if he was holding in his breath underwater, finally allowed to inhale sweet, sweet oxygen once more. Gripping his heavy heart in the process, finally able to beat properly. As that was happening the Doctor looked forward. Looking at the door with a closer inspection.

Noticing how it indeed was a dark door, somewhat of a dark brownish color. He wasn't really sure with the color since it wasn't being illuminated by any source of light. He wanted to take a closer inspection, so he slowly stood up straight once more. His breath still sporadic, but slowly going back to normal. As he continued to venture down the hallway.

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