The Note

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The Note

Laurie watched Jo glued to her glass. He turned his back to his Jo and looked at the road ahead of them; but he couldn't stop thinking about Jo, "Agh, Grandfather. I should've given her the address."

Mr. Laurence looked at his grandson and felt pity for the lad, "I am sure she will find her way to you if she really truly wants to. It's Josephine, she has a knack for those things, Theodore."

Laurie slumped down into his seat and thought to himself, Why am I so upset? This is what I was looking for! To escape from her... to escape from-- her eyes, her hair, her-- Stop it, Laurie! This is why you left. This is why you shouldn't be sad!

No matter what Laurie was telling himself, his grandfather could see his pain. "Theodore, New York will be fun. I am excited to go explore!"

"Yes, sir. I am too, it will be memorable," Laurie forced a smile and then remembered the pain he felt.

Their carriage was whisked away into the snow, Laurie felt confused as he saw Concord become smaller and smaller by the second.

Jo looked down at the floor, Just like that. He's gone again, because of you.

Jo's tears paraded down her cheeks as she watched her best friend's image dwindle into the horizon, she peeled herself away from the frosted window and sighed. She started fidgeting with her fingers, feeling the crumpled paper in her hand, she forgot about Mr. Laurence's note.

The note! Jo slowly unfolded the creased paper:


I know this season has been hard for both you and Theodore, emotions between friends are always tricky. Especially when the friends are as close as you two are. This is the address where we will be staying in New York, please write to him. I know he will miss you, even if he acts like he won't.

Niblo's Garden, Room 12, Prince Street, New York City, New York

Take care, hope to hear from you soon.


Mr. Laurence

Jo yelped with joy, "Yes! Thank you, Mr. Laurence! Thank you!"

"Jo! Is everything alright?" Marmee spoke softly through the door.

"Yes, Marmee! Everything just became so much better!" Jo danced around the room with Mr. Laurence's note in hand. 

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