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Amy tip-toed to her sister's bed, passing by Dario as he slept in the other room. She reached Jo's curly head and noticed the drool falling out of her mouth, "Jo, Jo, wake up."

"Is it morning?" Jo stuttered as she rose from her bed.

"No, I just couldn't sleep and didn't find it appropriate to wake Dario up."

"Ah, can I go back to sleep now?" Jo begged her little sister.

"I can't sleep, I just want to talk for a little while and see if it tires me." Amy pleaded.

"I am so glad to know that you find me so enthralling. Good night."

"Wait, Jo. I just couldn't sleep because I felt so bad about what happened at dinner. I just wanted to explain, I hadn't told Dario anything because he never brought it up. I didn't know he had any lingering questions at all about you and Laurie, and I had no idea that he was going to ask. I feel so awful and I am so sorry."

"It's fine, Amy. He seems like a really sweet guy, even if he overstepped his boundaries."

Amy smiled at the thought of Dario, "He has a tendency to be a bit too bold sometimes, just as you do."

Jo playfully slapped her sister, "And my imaginary romancer is annoying, just as you are!"

"Jo, I really am sorry for how I used to treat you. After reading your book it made me realize how immature and selfish I once was. Europe humbled me greatly, I realized that I was not the star I thought I was and that I can't always be the shining star I expect everyone to treat me as."

Jo was taken aback by her sister's maturity and sincere apology, "Amy, thank you. However, I am sorry too. I wasn't kind to you at all when we were young, and I think recalling all those experiences made me realize I was rude and bitter all those years. You didn't deserve my resentment. I love you dearly and am so proud of you."

Amy placed her hand over Jo's, "Thank you, sister. I am proud of you too."

Jo was happy that the two closed the past door of anger and frustration, she was shocked at Amy's kindness, and that she became so self-aware. Although Jo had harbored resentment towards Amy regarding the Europe trip, she was so glad that things worked out the way they did. Amy had changed so much, she was so glad to see it.

Amy added to Jo's pride in her, "I also started reading, you know."

"Amy March? Reading books? Europe has changed you!" Jo sarcastically gasped.

"Yes, and I have read your book a plethora of times. I have lost count!"

"That gives me so much joy, Amy!"

"Yes, but--"

"What? What's wrong with it?"

"It's just, Jo--I have read it over and over and over again. I still can't figure out why you did not marry Jo and Laurie in the novel. It would have been so beautiful and would've given everyone a happy ending. I could have met someone in Europe and Laurie and you could have been building a life in Concord together..."

"You sound like Dario."

"I am being serious, Jo! Why didn't you?"

"Amy, I couldn't do it. I couldn't imagine doing anything in my life because someone expected me to do it! Plus, if I can't be with him in real life, why should I be with him in fiction? It would have just been worse. When people met Laurie they would know who he was, and would question our relationship! Also, Jo could've just been an old maid for the rest of her life and I truly believe it would have been enough for her. I don't want to live my life by people's expectations! It's plain and simple," Jo huffed.

"It doesn't matter what people expect, Jo. It matters how you feel. Regardless of whether or not you feel obligated to marry Laurie, you need to humble your pride. Stop thinking about what others expect and solely depend upon your feelings for him."

"What is there to think about, Amy? I told him my answer and I am not changing my mind. And what about you? Dario is filthy rich! Isn't that what people expect of you, Amy? To marry a rich man?"

"That's not fair, Jo. I love Dario and would marry him even if we lived in a shed for the rest of our lives."

"I have never been in love before, Amy! How am I supposed to know what that feels like?"

"Just stop saying that you will never fall in love, that's all I am saying. You might be the main cause of your lack of love."

"Amy please--"

"I was right, this conversation did bring me drowsiness! I am going to go to bed. Thank you for talking with me, I love you. Remember what I said." Amy kissed her sister's cheek and scurried back to her own bed.

Jo laid awake thinking about what Amy had said, what was it that kept her from loving Laurie? Had it been her all along?

Jo closed her eyes and tried to dream, but all she could think about was how green Laurie's eyes were. 

Jo and Laurie: A Re-telling of the Re-tellingWhere stories live. Discover now