Chapter 23: The Finale

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"God," I call her name, the edge in my voice clear as day. "You had no right."

"I understand you're upset, Ambrose, but—"

"Upset?" I cut her off. "Upset doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling! How could you?"

She sighs. "It wasn't my choice. This is what I was trying to warn you about. Your destiny has changed."

"So making me a Charmed One wasn't your choice?" I scoff. "I find that very hard to believe, seeing as only divine intervention could have made that possible."

She makes me freeze with a glare. "I know you're angry right now, Ambrose, and you have every right to be, but you will not take your anger out on me. I told you going down this road would have consequences and that I would not stop you."

"So you're saying this is my fault?"

"I'm saying that your actions have caused your destiny and the girl's destinies to become so intertwined that it is no longer possible for the Charmed Ones to exist without you."

I shake my head. "But how? I know I changed some things, but I didn't think—"

"You didn't think that those small changes would eventually build up? I told you to help the girls and maybe guide them if you could, but you decided to take it a step further. Creating the ring, vanquishing those rat demons, becoming the Grim Reaper, working with Mason, thwarting Cole and the Seer every chance you could. These things add up Ambrose, and they could no longer be ignored. This world is not my own. There are other divine forces at work here, and you have made them notice you."

I sigh and look down. "This isn't fair. I didn't ask for this."

"I know," she looks down at me sadly. "But you still have a choice. You are not a Charmed One. Not yet, at least." She says and turns away.

I quickly lift my head. "What do you mean? The chandelier glowed, and I remember enough of the show to know that the means the Charmed Ones have been reconstituted."

"Yes, that is what it means most of the time, but this is a special case. The chandelier glowing did not make you a Charmed One. Instead, it marked you as a potential Charmed One."

"So...what does that mean?" I aks her, still not following.

She sighs. "It means you don't have to accept this new destiny, but I strongly encourage you to consider it."


"Without the Charmed Ones, so many lives will be lost." She looks away into the distance. "If you could see the future I saw without them," she looks back at me. "without you. It is not a future worth fighting for."

"God." Her name comes out of my mouth with the weight I've been carrying these last few weeks. "I am barely holding it together. Just doing this part-time, I've had to sacrifice so much—time at work, time with my friends, time to simply live. I don't remember the last time I slept without feeling this heavy weight on my chest. Thinking if I didn't stop the Seer, I would lose everyone I loved. Now you're asking me to live with that feeling constantly?"

She sits down beside me and caresses my cheek. "No, Ambrose. This life I gave you was meant as a way to atone for my mistake but also as a chance for you to finally live the life you've always wanted. In your past life, you weren't happy. You never found true love, you were working in a job you weren't passionate about, and you barely had any long-term friends. I wanted to give you a second chance to have those things and maybe something a little extra." She sighs. "But nothing in life is free. That's why I asked you to help the girls as a way to balance the scales, but now that's not enough anymore."

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