Chapter 3: Hell Hath No Fury

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"Okay turn left up here." Piper directs Cole. "And can you step on the gas?"

Cole increases the speed of Piper's car causing me to tighten my hold on my seatbelt when we almost collide with another car.

"Okay off the gas! Off the gas!" Phoebe taps on his shoulder.

Cole lifts his hands in a "what do you want me to do?" manner and asks, "Does somebody else want to drive?"

Piper continues giving directions to Cole. "Phoebe, the demon is not waiting around for us to come and vanquish him."

"We don't even know if we have the power to vanquish him." Phoebe retorts. "Scrying for random evil just tell us where the demons are. Not how powerful they are."

"Well we've already vanquished two this week, so I would say we're doing pretty well."

"That's because we had Ambrose and Cole to save our asses. Three witches and a half demon do not equal the power of three. No offense, Ambrose."

I hold up my hand and shake my head letting her know I didn't take any.

Piper honestly has been on demon hunting rampage, and none of us no why. I've been helping her and Phoebe with demon hunting since Paige has to go into work, and I can work from wherever. It's been giving me practice using my powers more and getting me used to dodging fireballs, energy balls, and whatever else I have to.

Piper continues arguing with Phoebe. "So what are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for them to come to us? If we weren't going after them, you know they would be coming to us to pick us off one by one."

"They're coming after you anyway Piper," Cole jumps in. "Because the Source is coming after you."

"And we won't be ready for him because instead of teaching Paige how to be a witch, you are out hunting for every Tom, Dick, and Beelzebub in San Francisco," Phoebe sighs in frustration before pointing at me. "And Ambrose needs to know there's more to being a witch than fighting demons all the time."

"Fine!" Piper turns to look at me. "What do you think Ambrose?" She asks.

Phoebe turns to look at me as well, and I feel stuck between the middle.

"I think...Pheobe's right." Piper doesn't look happy when I say that. "I just think that demons will be coming for us regardless, like Cole said," Piper looks ready to cut me off, but I quickly hold my hand up. "Not saying we should be sitting on our asses, but we can't hunt down every demon we scry for and hope we won't meet one stronger than us."

Piper turns back around and crosses her arms in frustration.

"Now that you mention that, do we have a plan here or—" Cole asks.

Piper interrupts him. "The plan is to vanquish the demon."

Cole continues on. "Is there any chance you've mastered your powers, or are you going to be freezing and exploding things at random?"

"Random." Piper answers unashamed, "Field practice is good practice as they say. Turn here!"

Cole makes a sharp right turn sending me crashing into Pheobe, pushing her up against the window.

We turn into an abandoned alleyway when Piper shouts, "Stop!"

Cole slams on the brakes. We all rush out to see a tall bald demon chocking an innocent man.

"Hey big scary demon!" Piper shouts at him.

He turns and his eyes glow red. Piper uses her power and I expect the demon to freeze or explode, but instead, he starts turning red and bloating up.

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