Betrayll or not

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I'll try and make this one long! 🦋

Aina's POV
We where in the common area just talking. We played darts and toga and Dabi where actually having fun. Mineta did Creep toga out but Dabi took care of it. No one suspected a thing. Until the league showed up. They crashed threw a window and where standing there. Toga and Dabi stood up. "I know your new Aina but this is what we do come stand with us" Shigaraki said. I stood up and stood next to Toga all I heard was gasps.

Bakugos POV
Aina went and stood with the league of Villains. My heart sank my sister got roped up into the bad side. I should've pushed her more to talk with the class maybe then would this not have happened! It's all my fault. I failed as her brother to protect her.

Minas POV
The girl we thought was just shy had an evil side. Aina stood with the Villains. Why? Was it because we never gave her a chance to talk with us? Was it Mineta? She stood there looking proud that she was with the League of villains.

Uraraka POV
"Deku isn't visiting his mom is he?" I asked with tears. No response. "answer me!" I screamed. "Calm down girlie pretty Deku is safe" Toga said. "What's did you do to him!" I screamed again tears running down my face. "He's fine calm down" Dabi said.

Aina's POV
Shigaraki whispered in my ear "go get your brother toga and Dabi will make sure no one try's to pull any stunt". I walked to Bakugo and put my arm out telling him to come with me. He shook his head. "Katsuki you always wanted to be on top now you can" I said to him. I was blasted by an explosion from my own brother. Dabi caught be and I got up.

Bakugos POV
"Why! Why join them Aina! You wanted to become a hero!" I said. She stayed silent until she threw a knife pinning me down to a wall. She walked to me and whispered in my ear "they forced me Deku is alive this is my best hope to survive I'm sorry this won't hurt to much" she says before stabbing me in the shoulder. I scream from the pain as she takes it out and walks away giggling.

Aina's POV
I just stabbed by brother I feel horrible. I take the knife out and walking away giggling with Toga.

Shoto POV
I just watched the girl I liked go to the evil side. My heart shattered as she giggled with her new friends. A boy I believe his name is Dabi turned to me smirking. "Are you sad? Sad that she chose us?" He asks. "I don't think she even likes you she didn't request for you not to be hurt" he said. "Enough with the drama girls boy go get the prize" Shigaraki said.

Aina POV
"Enough with the drama girls boy go get the prize" that's what Shigaraki told us. Now I have to hurt them. Great fucking great. Me and toga went for Mina Dabi went for Shoto. Toga keeping Mina distracted just enough so I can get behind her. Then kicked her. Toga took a knife out and slices her knee. Mina wasn't able to get up.
Uraraka tried to fight to. I made a cut down her arm and leg. But soon Iida notified a teacher and we had to leave empty handed.

Togas POV
"Does this mean we lost?" I asked. "Yes" Dabi said. "I hate losing especially to hero kids" I say. "You ok Aina?" I ask. "Yeah I'm good" she says.

Aina's POV
I know I'm not supposed to feel happy but I do. I feel like the league actually cares for me. They talk to me and they don't do it out of sympathy.I just noticed Deku is gone! "Guys where's Deku?" I say. All there heads tune to see the missing boy with the duck tape and rope on the floor. "NO" Shigaraki yells. "

Deku POV
I escaped and just arrived at UA common area. I see Mina and Uraraka bleeding. I run to My girlfriend Uraraka. "What happened?" I ask worried. She notices it me and gives me a big hug crying. "The league of Villians they came and Aina is part of them" she said in between sobs. "They cut me and Mina and stabbed bakugo!" She said. "Aina she's evil!" She said. "She's not evil she whisper in my ear she's only doing it to stay alive" bakugo said.
"No she looked happy she stabbed you! You just don't want to admit your sister is crazy" Mineta said.

Bakugo POV
"No she looked happy she stabbed you! You just don't want to admit your sister is crazy" Mineta said. That little bastard. I walk away to my dorm with out a word. Am I crazy? Did I hear her wrong? Maybe she is crazy.

Bakugos sister Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ