Caught and left behind

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This part is going to be still in the bunker

Dabi POV
I heard someone come in the bunker and it was toga. I covered me and Aina with a blanket as she walked in. "Uh what's going on?" She asked. She noticed are clothes on the floor. "Um I am going to go in the bathroom you two get dressed it's almost curfew" she said walking into the bathroom. I wake Aina up and we both get dressed.

Aina POV
We get dressed and toga comes out of the bathroom. "I can tell you guys had fun" she says looking at me. We start walking back with are disguises on. Finally we got there and went to the common area. All eyes where on us. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "We know who yous are" Katsuki said. Shit. "What should should we do?" Toga asks whispering. "There no point in lying if they know" Dabi says. we take off are stupid disguises.

Bakugos POV
They took off the disguises and there was my sister. Hand an hand with a villain boy. "Suprise!" The other girl says.

Aina POV
"Suprise!" Toga said. "Why come back here?" Mina asked. "That's a very personal question to ask pinky" Dabi says. Soon we where circled by not one class but two. "Is this really necessary?" Toga asks. "You are out numbers by a lot I wouldn't try to fight back" Kirishima says. "Well you wherent paying attention because 20 students all ready down" Dabi says. "Already forget about my quirk?" I whisper in his ear.

Kiri POV
"Already forget about my quirk?" Aina whispers in my ear. How could I forget. I turn around but she is gone back standing with the other two. She laughs in my face. "Calm down stuff guy we aren't here to fight but it may come down if Katsuki doesn't come with us" toga says. Before we can say anything a warp thing shows up. "Shigaraki is going to be pissed" the boy says.

Aina POV
"Shigaraki is going to be pissed" Dabi says. Dabi grabs toga and clone me! I try to jump in but before I could it closed. No! Someone grabs me and ties me up. "I'm not telling you all shit so don't even try" I tell them. "You will soon" Kirishima says. They all leave. I'm in the dark now.

Dabi POV
I grab toga and Aina and jump in. We arrive back at the house but no sign of Aina. Shit! Don't tell me I grabbed the fake one. "Where's Aina Dabi?!" Toga yells. "I think she is at UA" I say worried. "Shigaraki we need to go back for her!" I tell him. "No we need to see if she will stand with us when she is on her own" he says. "She is strong they won't break her" he says leaving the room. Toga brings me into a hug I know she is sad and worried just as I am.

Aina POV
I still haven't talked they may want to be Hero's but in some way they have a bad side too and it's finally coming to light. I have bruises from where they used there quirks. Most Uraraka and Kirishima. Bastards they don't know what's coming for them. What idiots not even thinking to take my weapons. Once they left I saw threw the rope and Untaped my mouth.

Uraraka POV
Me and Kirishima went to check on Aina. When we went she was standing there texting. "Finally I was getting bored" she said putting her phone away. "How did you get out!" I said. "Simple i used my knife" she said smiling.

Dabi POV
I got a text from Aina! "Toga!" I screamed as she ran in. "Aina she said she is fine but to go back to UA for her" I told toga. "Alright let's go!" She said grabbing a few knifes. We got there from the warp and soon we saw Aina. I wanted to run up to her and hug her tightly but I can't not right now. "I thought you all where supposed to be smart?" Toga said.

Aina POV
"I thought you all where supposed to be smart?" Toga said. I saw them Dabi and toga. Finally. Dabi looked heart broken when he saw me. He probably felt guilty. "Yous are toast" he said. He practically burned the whole place as he grabbed toga and me and ran. We made it back to the house.

Dabi POV
We got back to the house and to are room. I hugged Aina tightly almost crying but keeping back my tears. She was all bruised up scratch's bruised and bloody. Those damn bastards are going to pay soon. I let her go as toga hugged her.

Aina POV
I hugged toga back as she cryed. I knew Dabi wanted to cry to but has to much pride. They told Shigaraki but he was sleeping so he didn't give a fuck. The rest of the league was happy to see me back. I didn't notice but it was 5 days since they captured me.  I mostly slept. Katsuki snuck me food and water. But didn't say a word to me.

Dabi POV
It was night already and Aina is sleeping with me. I'm to scared that they will take her. She is laying on top of me and I have my arms rapped around her waist. "Baby are you ok" I hear her whisper. "Yes why" I ask playing with her hair. "Your shaking" she says. I'm worried but I don't want  to tell her. "Just cold love go back to sleep" I say. She gets up and grabs another blanket then lays down. I smile as she curls up next to me. Her head baried in my chest as I have my arms around her bringing her closer. Soon she falls asleep and so do I

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