Combat training

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This one might be a bit short so sorry!!! 🦋

Aina's POV
Mr.Aizawa took us to the training facility for combat training. "Here are the rules listen up. Any weapons You have for your costume are available to use just no serious damage" he says. He turns to me and says "That's includes your knifes just don't hurt anyone". 'Ok' I mumbled. He says who we will be fighting against get my own brother. This I'll be fun.

Bakugos POV
Me and Aina where paired together to do combat training. Great all I have to do it tire her out. "Begin" Mr.Aizawa says. I start an explosion but  soon I can't see her. Shit! Where'd she go. I get pinned to the ground I look to my right shoulder and a knife is pinning me down. I look at my other shoulder and legs all pinned by knifes. She is fucking invisible! She turns back so I can see her and she tapes me down. "Bakugo is unable to move Aina wins." He says. She takes her knife back and puts them away unfreezing me.

Aina Bakugo Top student for her year. She is quite but trains a lot. Her and her brother just fought she won with out getting a scratch. Expressive. "You all can learn from Aina she doesn't have a scratch on her" I say.

Aina's POV
I beat Katsuki it was an easy match since I can become invisible. Everyone finished there matches and they let us out early.

That's it sorry I didn't know what to write also sorry my butterfly's off I spelled something wrong! Also you guys know how you can put pictures at the top? Year there will always be a new picture I find for you guys! Anyways I am writing a lot right know so you should get another thing SOON! 🦋

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