Ch.3 [ Imposter ]

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Back to Chara's  (Y/n) pov:

"Chara, come here, you look starving, lucky you! I made some tacos, well not to brag but they are the best of the best if I do say so myself." Blue said while having a pointy anime nose and laughing smugly. I looked at Blue who had stars in his eyes, while he pushed the plate with tacos into my face.

'I have read somewhere that his tacos can kill people but where?..' I thought to myself as I sat down and took one even though I warned myself not to. "You'll love it!" Blue said as he turned around to see Honey running all sweaty toward him. Honey ran down the stairs and Blue made a remark about it, since it was so rare for Honey to run. Let alone to run down the stairs.

"BLUE GET AWAY FROM THAT, THAT'S NOT OUR CHARA!" Honey screamed as he summoned some bones.

I turned around and saw them both with a shocked expressions. Honey was ready to attack me and Blue just looked puzzled. That was until Swap Chara came down wondering why everyone was yelling. We all stood in awe looking at each other.

Blue looked at me, I looked at him, I looked at Honey, Honey looked at me. Swap Chara looked at me, I looked at her. 'Well, this is awkward' I thought as I started to chuckle. I looked at them all and opened up a portal.

"Looks like I got caught huh...too bad, I really wanted to stay some more..." I said as I walked into the portal leaving Honey to throw his bones at me.

*the portal opens and throws Chara out*

The portal opened in the sky and I fell down crashing into someone. I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes to see myself on top of Dust. 'Why did it have to be him' I thought to myself as a thought popped up. Wait, I haven't left Swaptale yet and Dust is here so...that means he's here for Blue?

*fangirl screaming in mind with mixed feelings*

"Finally found you kid!" Dust said as his arms wrapped around me, basically trapping me in his arms.

"Now that I have caught you, I can finally show you to the gang that you already know of somehow." Dust said while getting up from the snow and making his grip on me tighter.

I gave a nervous smile and went into a panic mode. I kicked, bit, and pushed him. But his response was to tighten his grip, making me gasp for air as my lungs felt like collapsing. I tried again with more desperation but nothing worked. Dust started to snicker and chuckle from my struggle but I hadn't used my trump card yet.


Dust stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a confused expression. 'Wait, he isn't in a relationship with Blue???' I thought to myself as I stared at him in disbelief.

Dust read through my thoughts and started to smile while laughing like a maniac. Dust calmed himself down and then leaned into my ear and whispered.

"Was that your threat kid? You have to do better. You sure are a funny one." At Nightmare's mansion

I fell asleep from all the energy I spent trying to fight back. But I soon woke up in Dust's lap surrounded by every member of Nightmare's gang. Killer was looking at me with hate, no surprise, Horror was looking at me like I was food and the others looked at me normally I guess.

"Oh, had a nice sleep?" Said Dust with a sinister smile which made me nearly faint from seeing it so close.

Sweat started to form and I could see Nightmare glaring at me with his eyes. I got up from my seat to almost bump into Error who was wrapping a string around my hand.

"Error, is that really necessary? Well, you maybe didn't know it but your strings have no effect on me..." I said leaving everyone in shock except for Dust who was smiling and receiving money from Cross. 'Did I do something stupid again?' I thought as I got up and broke the string.

"Chara, right? How did you know the name of the glitch? I don't believe you two have met before." Nightmare said while giving off a negative aura to make him scarier.

I turned around and gave a forced smile, as I got ready to run away. "Fine... You want an answer, Nightmare? Here's your answer... Goodbye!" I shouted as I turned and ran.

"Get her!" Nightmare ordered and the others obeyed. I sprinted through the halls, passing by every bedroom. Most of them were dull and boring. But I stopped when I saw a room full of crosses. It was Cross's room. He had painted his family on the wall, while X Chara had scribbled something else. It looked lonely... it reminded me of my own family.

Anger and pain welled up in my eyes and I didn't see Dust sneaking up behind me. He was about to grab me but he hesitated when he heard me sobbing and saying; " I hate it here, I want to go back home. I want to see mom again. Why did you take me away?"

I spun around and clung to Dust, not caring who he was or what he had done. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't stop crying for my lost life. Dust was stunned and confused, he didn't know how to react so he just awkwardly patted my back.

The others arrived soon after and saw the scene. They were shocked to see the ruthless- emotionless Dust, trying to comfort someone for once. But that shock turned to concern when I unleashed my rage and sorrow. A barrier of huge red knives surrounded me and Dust, some of them pointing at the others. Some were so close that Killer flinched and thought they would hit him.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DUST, MAKE HER STOP!" Cross and Killer yelled at Dust. The knives grew larger and sharper every second, multiplying like crazy.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? She won't stop saying she wants to go back to her family!" Dust replied with a panicked look.
"What family? Her real one or Undertale?" Nightmare asked with his tentacles ready to shield the gang.

"Not Undertale, apparently. She wants her real family." Dust said as he looked down at Ut Chara (Y/n) who was wailing like a banshee.
"CrøsS! X cHařa KnøwS hEr bEsT s0 tElL hIm t0 fIx ThIs!" Error said as he glared at Cross.

Third person pov:

Cross convinced X Chara to soothe Ut Chara and somehow Ut Chara stopped her summoning and calmed down. She let go of Dust and walked towards Error. She had a weird look on her face and she kept looking around at the others.
Ut Chara stood in front of Error and Error looked down at her with a ^What^ expression. Ut Chara summoned her status and pulled out a code. Everyone was curious about what she was doing. Ut Chara attached the code to Error and Error's reaction was to jerk back and then collapse. Nightmare had his tentacles behind Ut Chara, ready to kill her if she made a move.

But Nightmare withdrew them when he saw Error getting up again without a mark. Ut Chara then grabbed Error's arm and his crash reaction was gone. Everyone, including him, was shocked. He didn't crash when touched. Everyone had questions and Ut Chara noticed that so she said; " I gave you a part of my touch code but I modified it so that you won't crash when someone you accept touches you. Think of it as  thanks for not killing me and as an exchange for me to kidnapp Dust."

Horror and the others burst into laughter. But Dust just looked puzzled, until he realized that Ut Chara was serious, not joking. She opened a portal under Dust and made him fall into it and then opened another one for herself.
Ut Chara had just kidnapped Dust and left everyone in Nightmare's gang stunned, because no one ever expected something like that to happen.


I Y/n became Chara, how will this go?Where stories live. Discover now