Midnight Memories ~ Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

„I really wish I could've seen them. I miss you all so much. And Diana got a kitten called Zora and I couldn't even meet her yet."

"Well, how about you come visit us next weekend? The girls won't mind. I mean they miss you just as much and it'll be so much fun, plus you could finally meet Layla." "Omg yes that would be amazing, are you serious?" I smiled excitedly. "Of course, that would be great. I'll just text you the address, yea?" he says, making my smile turn wider as I nod. "Okay yes that'd be great! But what are you doing here?" I asked, making him laugh. "Well, a friend was supposed to be here tonight but she got sick so she asked if I could help out" he answers "But why did you come over? I don't think you could've possibly seen me" he chuckles "Well yes I wanted to request a song" I smile "Well then dearest friend what song shall it be" he laughs. "You know which one" I say with a smirk.

After I told him my song and another longer hug, I went back to the others to find just Gemma and Louis left. Louis looked rather pissed for some strange reason. "Hey, where did the others go?" "Taylor left with the girl, Zayn and Liam said they wanted to grab another drink, but they didn't reappear in the last 5 minutes, so I guess they just left, and Niall took off with a girl" Gemma answers while dancing. I nodded.

"Well, for "just requesting a song", you took rather long" Louis said, looking at me with a weird look on his face. "Why did it take so long?"

"Well, it turns out the DJ is one of my friends, so we talked a bit..." I said smiling awkwardly „what was that?"
"Anyways, who wants to get another round of shots" Gemma asked, smiling at us. "I definitely need one" Louis said and we went to the bar "Let's look out for Liam and Zayn tho" I said cause I was kind of worried since Liam would never leave without saying goodbye. After our shots and another drink, we went back to the crowd of dancing people since my song was about to get played. Just as we reached the dance floor, the first tunes from "Love will tear us apart" started playing.

When I looked over to Louis and Gem's, Louis' eyes literally lit up. "I love that song; did you choose it?" He asked, smiling at me. "YES do you like Joy Division too?" I asked excitedly. "Well obviously, do you want to dance?" He asked me, looking so happy again with that beautiful smile on his lips. "Yes, please that would be amazing" So, we danced the whole evening together with Gemma besides us taking photos of us, dancing and drinking with us.


"Louis you look really cute but unfortunately you have kid's" I said without thinking. "That was probably, the alcohol talking in me." Louis burst out laughing. "Thanks Harry, but I don't have kids. Why do you think that?" he continued to chuckle lightly, sounding so adorable. "Well, today you said, 'the kids are probably waiting for me' which kids Louis?" I asked a bit harshly and tipsy. "I work in a kindergarten, Harry" he continued to laugh. "Oh..." I say causing him to laugh harder after a while I start laughing with him, so we laughed for almost 2 minutes straight even tho it wasn't that funny.


"Guys, I think it's better if we go now. It's 3:00 am" Gemma shouts over at us. Which is probably a good idea since I'm a bit drunk now. Just a bit obviously. "Okay we're coming" I said, taking Louis' hand and leading us to the front door where Gemma was waiting.

„His hands are so small and soft. He's really cute."

As we stepped outside and the cold air hit me, I realized I might have drunk a bit much. "I'm going to be so hung over" I said, chuckling with the others.

As we continue to walk, I accidentally trip and almost fall, causing all of us to burst out laughing . "I think it might be better if I give you a piggyback ride, you can't even walk properly." Louis laughs. "Hey, that's not true" I say, offended. "See I'm fine" I say as I try to walk in a straight line, but bump into Louis and nearly fall over again if it wouldn't have been for louis catching me by my arm. "Oh, of course" Louis laughed, "if there would be a contest about walking straight you definitely would win. But before you actually tip over, I think this is safer" he says, and just like that he picks me up as if it's no effort. "Oh my god I'm gonna fall down" I squealed, holding on tight to Louis, making him and Gemma laugh.

„Wow, he smells really good."

"I'm so gonna take a picture of that for my 'midnight memories' book" Gemma chuckles and takes a photo while we smile into the camera. "What the hell is a 'midnight memories' book." Louis chuckles, causing me to hold on tighter because I almost fell "Heyy don't drop me" "I would never I'm sorry love" he chuckles again causing me to smile. "You guys are cute" Gemma said causing me to blush and Louis to chuckle again. "But now to answer your question, when I'm outside with my friends at night or especially on parties, I always take funny pictures to remember what happened and then I put them in my book it's like a photo album. It's actually pretty funny." Gemma explains to him. "That's really cool, I bet there're some funny pictures of drunk people as well." Louis laughs loudly, making a warm feeling spread through my body.

We continued to walk. Well, Gemma and Louis walk while I'm on his back, until we reach the library because Gemma lives in the street, and we decided I'm going to sleepover at her place.

"Thanks for this amazing party "Louis smiles at Gemma and me. "It was really nice and thanks for the piggyback ride, Lou" I say, smiling at him as he slowly lets me down. "But are you sure you want to go home? because I'm sure you could sleep over as well" I turn to Gemma. "Yes, it wouldn't be a problem at all. You could sleep on the other couch if you want" she said, smiling at him. "That's really kind of you guys, but it's really no big deal and besides, my family is going to visit me tomorrow. So, it'll be better if I sleep at home" Louis said, smiling at us. "Okay, but at least let me call you an Uber." I said, as I opened the app. After five minutes, the Uber arrived.

"So again, thanks for the night. Maybe we can repeat it "Louis said, hugging us goodbye.

„Wow I love his hugs and why does he smell SO good."

"Yes, that would be amazing" I said, smiling at him. "But now I hope you have a good ride home and that you have fun with your family." I hug him again "Thank you, Harry" he returned the hug and smiled at me making me feel all fuzzy inside "And please don't forget to text us when you are home" Gemma said "I surely won't" he said as he opened the car door "see ya on Monday" he said before closing the door We waved goodbye and went home to Gemma.


(Gemma's POV)

Chat with: Louis 👯 (3:58am)

Louis 👯: I'm home now and I really had a blast. All thanks to you guys

You: yea it was really fun

You: Hope you had a good ride, and I will see you on Monday. Oh, and good night from Harry.

Louis 👯: see ya and good night xx


Hellou my Friends

So this is Chapter 6 I don't know but i don't really like this Chapter haha. But I promise they'll get better again but I hope you still liked it.

I don't know how I found that video but I thought it's really funnily cute and that it kinda suits that Chapter haha

Have a great day, lots of love

P.Lilli <3

P.S.:  I know I normally upload on Thursday or Friday but @henevercalls decided I should update today haha love you <3

updated ✔️

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