Cinder's Birthday

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Cinder stretched until the joints in her back popped satisfyingly. She sighed and pushed back the silk covers (which she was still not used to) from the bed. After stretching one more time, she got out of bed and started her day.     

Life in the Lunar Palace was... Interesting. The aristocrats would give her bad looks, while the servants would cower. And only after a lot of talking, they came to like her. It was a range of emotions per day, and Cinder was starting to get tired of it.    

After she got dressed and ready, she checked the planner Iko made her and realize zed today was an easy day. No meetings or conferences to attend. These moments were rare but so appreciated and Cinder enjoyed each one.         She commed Iko asking what should she do today. The android responded with a wink. What the hell did that mean?         

Usually, during the boring days, Cinder would think back to August and remember being with her friends and Kai, dancing with Kai, and the joy that was shared there. Although the Bioengineered Soldiers crashed the party, she still enjoyed it. So if Iko doesn't do anything today, then she might end up bored out of her mind. She wasn't the type for daydreaming but she would daydream about this constantly.

The maid who usually came in to make sure everything was okay each morning kept looking at Cinder as if she was expecting something. And she wasn't the only one. Even aristocrats were having the same expression. It only served to confuse Cinder.         
She met Iko, who was strangely even more enthusiastic today, and her friend squealed and hugged Cinder, "Am I missing something?"

"Ha! Good one."        
"No seriously, what happened?"             

Iko blinked, "Its your birthday! December twenty-first?!" Cinder gasped, "You actually forgot your own birthday?"
"Well, it's my first one as Selene and Cinder's birthday was last month!"

"Aw, you have two birthdays, no fair."

"So that's why everyone was looking at me weird..."
"Duh!" Iko then smiled, "I have a big surprise for you today!"      

"I can't tell you or else it might not be a surprise!" Iko hugged her one more time before leaving, "Happy Birthday, Cinder."           

Strange, Iko literally sprinted off. What made her do that. Cinder suddenly felt two people with her bioelectricity and whirled around to find eight. Her jaw dropped. All of her friends were there holding gifts and Kai in the middle with the cake and a balloon.            

Winter ran to her first, "Happy Birthday, my dearest Selene!"   

"Hi, Winter," said Cinder, hugging Winter.  

Jacin followed, "Don't die this year," he said as Winter pulled him in."           

"Aw, group hug! Happy Birthday Cinder," squealed Cress, joining the hug.              "

I have a question, how did you survive without me this year?" Thorne bragged, giving in to the hug.             

"It was pretty easy," Cinder said.             

Scarlet chuckled, "Joyeux anniversaire, Cinder," the red-head said in French. 
"Happy Birthday Cinder," Wolf also said as they both joined in the hug. Cinder felt like she was being suffocated, but it was nice.

All of the sudden there was a squeal running down the hall, "Don't forget about me!" Iko yelled as she walked her hands around... Someone.        

"I've missed you so much, Cinder. The port screens are too small for comfort and physically can not fit my love for you," Kai said finally, getting as close to Cinder as possible in the hug, "Happy Birthday. I love you very much."    

"Oh, Kai, I missed and love you too so, so much."            

There were "aw's" and a sniffle from Iko probably until Thorne ruined the moment, "You know that doesn't make sense, Kai. Like, why would you fit your love in a port any way?

"Be quiet Thorne," Wolf said surprisingly, "Let the small man confess his love to my queen."
"Oh, thank you Wolf?" murmured Kai.  

"Your welcome."

"HOW ABOUT WE EAT CAKE INSTEAD OF SHARING GERMS, HUH?" Jacin yelled, not wanting to be confined in tight spaces anymore.           

"I agree, anyone got any hand sanitizer?" 

"Jeez, Kai, I never knew you and Jacin were getmophobes."             

"Oh, big time, Thorne. During the Peace Ball he literally wiped down the railings after we danced on top of stairs."                 

"You don't know who touched them, Cinder!"

"BACK UP EVERYONE!" Jacin yelled again. The hug was broken up but the joy and magic were still there. Then she threw herself on Kai and kissed him like she never did before. Thorne separated them and then was hit by a fork from Cress. They all moved to the conference room where they ate Scarlet's lemon take (a tradition that was started for everyone's birthday) and caught up.                 

Cinder stuck with Kai mostly, hands intertwined, sudden kisses, talking their heads off. And then she spent time catching up with everyone else. Scarlet complained about wedding planning while Wolf looked at her lovingly (and admitted to watching over the neighborhood kids). Cress squealed about seeing the world and Thorne provided funny stories per country.

"Hey guys?" she called when the room finally quieted down a bit.         

"Whats up?" Thorne said.           

"I just wanted to say thank you for making time to see me again. I missed all of you in different ways, and I-I love you all. I'm so glad that you are my friends, and you are practically my family. So thank you for not hating me, and caring for me instead when no one else cared."

"Yes, Selene, I agree," Winter continued, "You all have a special place in my heart. I love you all too."            

"Oh me too!" Cress piped, "I never had a family before and always dreamed of one. And even though we are not the perfect one, I couldn't wish for a better family."            

"When my grandmother died, I thought that was it. I would never get a family again. But you were there and we created a new family," Scarlet sniffed, "Thank you so much."     

"Aw, bring it in you guys," Iko said, arms wide. They all hugged for a second time today. Some sniffled and others talked about their experiences with each other. Cinder thought back to all of her birthdays with Adri and saw that none of them compared to this one. She had a real family that loved her this time. Cinder smiled. She hoped that in the years to come, she would feel exactly like this toward her friends. After all, they are family.

A/N: Happy Birthday to my favorite Lunar Queen/ Empress/ Lunar Fugitive/ Cyborg/ Mechanic/ Lost Princess/ Most Amazing Girl in the Multiverse! We love you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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