Bathing Suits

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"STARS ABOVE, THEY'RE ADORABLE!!", Cress screamed at the top of her lungs. The people around her flinched while Thorne chuckled behind her. Cress was staring at the baby turtles that wandered around their home. She was so glad that Thorne had took her to this petting zoo while in the Southern Hemisphere parts of the American Republic. An outbreak had happened in the Galapagos, and she and Thorne decided it might be nice to check out the exotic animals that lived there. A lot have become extinct over the many years, but some capable scientists managed to keep this species of turtle alive. 

Thorne wrapped his hands around her. "Wanna check out the flamingoes next?"

"YES PLEASE!" Cress screamed again, startling the people around her. A lady that looked like in her mid-40s shushed her. She apologized and weaseled her way out of Thornes grasp. Then she took his hand and made her way to the exit. 

The whole exhibit was about how the scientist saved the species of turtles from extinction and stuff like that. She paused to see a bunch of eggs in an incubator with a strange pinkish-white light glow upon them. She wondered how life would be in an egg. Probably hot and uncomfortable. And lonely.

"You ok?" Thorne asked, squeezing her hand.

"Yep, just wondering how would it be like to live in an egg"

"Hmm. It will probably very hot. No space. No air. Doesn't sound like fun."

"Yeah. I agree. Let's see the flamingos now!"

"Lead the way!" Cress guided Thorne out of the turtle exhibit and looked up the map from her port for the directions to go the flamingo exhibit. "Aww man!"

"What's wrong?" Thorne asked, placing his head on her shoulder so he could see the portscreen. 

"The flamingoes are on another island. We have to book a boat to get there, but its too late now. Dangit" Cress pouted at the port and sighed as she placed it back in her pocket. "What do you want to do now?"

"Maybe we can hit the beach?" Cress knew that this was a bad idea, since she had no beachwear. But Thorne looked so excited...

"I guess, but I have to go in this" She gestured towards her pink blouse and jean shorts and tennis shoes. "I have nothing else to wear"

A smirk appeared on Thornes face as he replied: "I don't have anything either. That's why we are going... SHOPPING!" Cress flinched when he yelled, and the woman who shushed her before now shushed Thorne, who muttered sorry back"

"You sound like Iko" Cress said with a giggle.

"Nonsense, she likes shopping for fun, I like shopping for style"

"I don't see any difference, Captain"

"You'll see" It was his turn to grab Cress's hand and guide out of the national park itself. In fact, Cress couldn't wait to go shopping with Thorne, it sounded like so much fun. And maybe they might take a stroll down the beach, hand in hand, a few kisses, and an overall romantic and happy day for the couple. Who knows, maybe he might teach her how to swim. Anything could happen with Carswell Thorne. 



"But Cress its so-"

"I look like 5-year-old!"

"A very cute 5-year-old," Cress blushed at the words and cleared her throat so she could continue her argument.

"The design was designed for a five year old" she placed her hand on a large flower that was right over her belly-button and had every color of the rainbow as the petals and a smiley-face in the middle. They got the one-piece from the kids section "See!"

"Ok, ok I get it. Ooh try this one next" Thorne handed her a two-piece purple bathing suit that had gold glitter on the rims and gold polka dots. It was very pretty, but it looked too big for Cress. 

The problem was that 1.) Cress couldn't find one her size, and two 2.) The only size they had for her was in the kids section. 

"We could've gone to the other store." she grumbled as she walked back into the changing room.

"I am almost positive that there would have been nothing your size." Lucky him, he only had to try on some blue swim shorts to see if they fit, and bough two more with different colors and he was done. Of course, he looked good in all of them

When Cress was done changing, she walked out and spread her arms out. She thought before that it might be too big, but it actually fit perfect.

"I like it," Thorne let out a low whistle. She blushed and spun around. Cress felt cute in the bathing suit.

"Yep, this is the one," she agreed. They made their way to the cashier, holding each others hand. Cress looked up at her boyfriend, and felt like she was on cloud 9. She sighed, feeling very happy and loved.

"Did you find everything okay?" the cashier asked. Cress didn't know why, but she felt her blood boil at the sight of her. She tried to shake off the sudden feeling but, the feeling was so strong, she began to tremble. No, it wasn't like hatred, she knew exactly what that felt, and she felt it for Sybil. It was more... complex, but familiar. 

She gasped. Oh stars, was she jealous?! No wonder it was familiar, she remember feeling jealous for Cinder, Iko, that lunar girl the Thorne kissed. She almost laughed. The cashier was indeed very pretty, with sparkling brown eyes and gorgeously tanned skin. She had long lashes and makeup that went well with her features.

"Yes, your welcome! Come again!" Cress blinked. She had been so lost in thought that she missed the entire conversation with Thorne and the cashier. Thorne slung a hand over her shoulder and guided her out. 

"I can't wait to go to the beach. I  actually don't remember the last time I went to a beach. Huh. Well, you'll love it. The sunsets are beautiful" Thorne went on and on about the beach, but Cress barely heard him.

"Cress? Cress? Hello? You alright?" Thorne askes, worried.

"Huh. Oh yes, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Cress pondered whether she should tell Thorne about the cashier, "Actually I have something to tell you. You the cashier?"


"I think I was jealous"

"Of what"

"Well, she was very pretty"

"Pshh, please, that girls had more makeup than Iko had during Cinder's coronation" Thorne said stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. People walked around, ignoring them. "Trust me when I say this Cress, she, nor does any girl, have nothing on you" He leaned in with each words and now he was close to her face. He looked down to he lips then back up.


"Really" He kissed her then, and tried to hold her with the bags in his hands. Cress cupped Thorne's face and kissed him back. Her hands dropped down to his chest, where she could feel his heartbeat. 

They stood there kissing, for who knows how long. Cress would have been fine with kissing him forever. Then he pulled and put his forehead on Cress's. 

"Now can we go to the beach?"


Hey guys, I decided to update again today (ur welcome) and I hope you enjoyed this one as well. I was thinking once more today but idk. 

Anyways, until then! Mwah

The tlc fangirl, Angie

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