Chapter Fourty Five

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"You can't introduce me and say I was your student," I mumbled sternly, arms folded as I stared out the window. The car bumping over the road as Billie drove.

My arms were bare and cold in the summer dress I chose to wear. I guess I didn't wanna look bad or like the kid in school I use to be: a trouble maker.

Billie huffed, in a frustrated mood I wasn't helping. "So you want me to lie?"

"What?" I darted my eyes back to him with a fake laugh. "You wanna tell your mom you date one of your old students?"

"What's so wrong with that? I don't think you've got a leg to stand on seeming as your that old student,"

"Because that's not how I want your mom knowing me,"

Billie and I had gone from sneaking around in detentions to arguing like a married couple about his moms opinion. I guess I hadn't realised how much the both of us had changed until now.

"Fine, you think of a lie then Mallory," He sighed.

My eyes rolled landing back to the car window. The streets around here were different to Billie and I's street. All the houses along the road had a homely looking appearance, painted fences, large front gardens decorated with flowers, posters on lampposts and pot holes in the road.

"Billie I'm nervous." I admitted finally, to him and myself uncrossing my arms and un tensing my shoulders.

His eyes were in front but they flickered over at me for a second before he broke a small smile. "Is that why you're so agitated?"

"Yes, it is. I mean- what if she doesn't like me?"

"Why would she not like you? What's not to like,"

I snorted. "A lot of people could tell you a lot of things,"

"Well I wouldn't believe any of them,"

"Your mom might,"

He breathed out, I felt the car beginning to pull to the side of the road as I looked out the window to the house we were in front. A small little home, bed of flowers planted under neath the widow with a line of gnomes to match. "Are we here?"

He un did his seat belt as I followed, grabbing the car door handle assuming we was until the car door clicked locked.

I turned back around to him. "What are you doing?"

"That's not my moms house,"

"So... whose is it?" I squinted.

"I don't know, I pulled up on the side of the road to speak to you,"

I took in another breath breathing out. This reminded me too much of the time Billie locked me in his car asking for me to scream to him to get it out my system. Guess he knew me well.

"To speak about what?"

He sighed, pivoting his body more to face me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous Billie Joe. You go on about how much I'm like you when you were a teenager and now you come telling me your mom and teenage you didn't get along?"

"Well... I didn't come and tell you anything you found out,"

"Not my point,"

"Right. Course- not mine either,"

"Your not understanding are you Armstrong,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Are you even trying to understand?"

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