Chapter 6 : Peiskos

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Peiskos : The feeling you get when you sit in front of a fireplace and enjoy it's warmth.

The inside of the house was beautiful, so beautiful that one could never guess that six guys lived here

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The inside of the house was beautiful, so beautiful that one could never guess that six guys lived here. The lightings, the furniture, heck even the black marble flooring was done amazingly.

But at the same time, it had a homey feeling to it. Somewhere you could curl up and joke around with your loved ones. So different from my house back in New York where everything was planned and done based on how expensive it was.

Maybe that's why everytime I go back, I feel like I'm staying at a hotel and not my home.

The smell of baked goods and hot food wafted in the air. I turned around to look at Zeph, "You baked?" I asked him curiously.

He grinned in that mischievous way of his that made me slightly breathless.

"Ofc-" before he could complete what he was about to say, a fluffy ball of brown and black body whizzed past me and slammed into an unsuspecting Zephyr who went down with a thud.

The puppy barked excitedly and tried to lick his face as he laughed, "Groot! Down boy, I said down!" He yelled but his puppy was apparently just like his owner and continued to jump all over him.

"Tiny woman! Save me from this beast before it bites off my sexy neck!" He howled. Atleast he got that sexy part right.

And the so called "beast" barely reaches his knees.

I sighed and moved forward to pick up the little monster in my arms and almost squealed in deligh.

So fluffy.

And a bit heavy too, he barely fit in my arms as he let out excited little barks and tried to lick my face making me smile.

Zephyr stood up with a dramatic wince, "M'lady, meet Groot," He rolled his eyes and glared at the large puppy that was now cuddling into my arms.


You know what? I give up.

"He's yours?" I asked him to which he playfully grimaced, "Unfortunately, do you know he eats more than even I do?" He exclaimed.

"Wow, I thought that was impossible." I muttered under my breath, he gasped in outrage and put a hand to his heart, "You seriously wound me," he paused and then grinned, "but it's a good thing I have a very thick skin. Now, come on." He ushered me in.

"What breed is he?" I asked as I followed him further into the mansion. The hallways were decorated with aesthetic paintings, clearly this house was furnished by an excellent interior designer.

"He's a Tibetan mastiff." He mumbled and muttered something in what I'm guessing is Spanish as he glanced at the quiet puppy.

I nodded and looked around awkwardly, "So, umm, what are we doing today?" I asked.

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