Side story 5 (Cale spoils Mary)

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[Oh? You were here, Mary?] (Cale)

Cale had come to relax at the Stone Villa along with the kids while Choi Han and others were busy with some troubles up north.

[It's Mary!](Raon)

[Its fun to play with Mary!] (Hong)

The kids were happy to see Mary again after a while.

[ It's been a while Raon-nim and Hong. Where is On?] (Mary)

[She's started working at Uncle Ron's place!]

After the short greeting they talked about the places Mary went to.

Seeing such passion and excitement in the kids eyes Cale felt a slight shudder but chose to not think about it for now. He laid down on the couch nearby and dozed off. He woke up after some time and saw that the kids were sound asleep while Mary was sitting still in order to not wake them up.

[they had a big lunch before coming here.] (Cale)

He sighed as he carried them to their room.

[I couldn't greet you properly Young Master Cale. It's been a while. how have you been?] (Mary)

[Every day passes so effortlessly. I'm truly living the life of a slacker!] (Cale)

Cale always gets a little excited when talking about his lifestyle. Seeing him happy like that Mary nodded her head.

[You deserve to rest Young Master Cale. I will help you as well.] (Mary)

She said as she turned to face him eye to eye. Half of her face was covered and her tone still sounded somewhat robotic but he understood that she was brimming with motivation and determination. Seeing her clenched fist he smiled softly and held them. Slowly he started to loosen her curled fingers.

[Thank you.] (Cale)

[I get what you feel since you and I are somewhat I have experienced isn't comparable to what you had to go through.] (Cale)

She wanted to deny it but he continued on.

[you. the Kids. Choi Han and the others as well. All of you are very strong people. The strength you have is the result of you persevering through out your life with everything on the line.] (Cale)

[as for me I had a family who cleaned up after me and had my back all the time..that was the reason I was able to survive.] (Cale)

He was referring to his life as Kim Rok Soo.

[It's an assuring and a warm feeling when someone has your back. As someone who received such things, I want all of you to be able to feel the same. I think that you deserve it for holding on for so long. Well it's not that I'm very good at it though] (Cale)

[no. I think you are very good at it. After all we have such a warm and big family don't we? All of us are very thankful to you for giving us a place we can return to.] (Mary)

[is that so..then fine I guess.] (Cale)

He smiled as he stood up.

[are you going to take a nap again?] (Mary)

[y-yeah. Since On isn't home these days..I might have become a little bit lazy.] (Cale)

He was a bit startled as her voice sounded a bit serious.

[.Young Master] (Mary)

The tone didn't seem to have changed so he turned around. But she had her hands pointing to her lap.

[you can use my lap](Mary)

[who taught you that?] (Cale)

Cale sighed as he turned around to leave.

[I read it in a story. The girl offered her lap for the boy to rest on. It made the boy sleep very well.] 

[such things are good only in fiction and don't take whatever written in the book too literally.](Cale)

He waved his hands as he left but.

[ah. The girl was a beautiful princess so that must have been the reason the boy rested well.] (Mary)

He stopped after hearing Mary and turned around. He quietly rested his head on her lap.

[..For things like that there has to be a bond between the two parties. And I think appearance isn't really the main reason. ] (Cale)

[You spoil me too much Young Master Cale] (Mary)

Mary smiled and caressed his hair softly while Cale just turned to the other side. After a while he was sound asleep. 

Cale Henituse's Slacker Life Finally Comes True!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt