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   Jane is my favorite person to hang out with. Sure, she's unpredictable, her brown, deep eyes are scary, and she dips pizza in ranch. But then again, who am I to judge? I put Vienna sausages on my macaroni. Nonetheless, she makes life more fun. At least in the summer. But during school, there is no escape.

   We always try to make these summer days last. This is the last time down the hill, or Mt. Doom, as Jane likes to call it. The sun is lazily laying down on the horizon, threatening our only source of light outside, other than the street lamps.

    A pop shakes me out of my head. Jane says I do that a lot. She says someday I'll get lost in a head like that and I won't be able to get out. Anyways, my head whips around to see what made the noise. Then, I realize one of the wheels had popped off my skateboard. Crap! I think. Crap, crap, crap! I am so screwed! My skateboard wobbles dangerously, and I lose my footing. My balance is lost as I tumble the rest of the way down the hill. As I finally come to a stop, I notice a figure standing over me. "Ian?" they say. "Ian!" I realize the figure is Jane. "You okay?" she asks, concerned. "Yup, definitely," I joke. "I just damaged my body, skateboard, and probably the rest of my self esteem." She rolls her eyes. "Get up, Mr. Danger," Jane smirks. I took her hand and we walk the rest of the way to my house.

   "Still want a career in skateboarding?" Jane teases as we walk. I huff. "Most definitely," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I won't let you crush my spirits!" We both burst out laughing. When we stop, I can tell something is bothering Jane, so I give her the puppy eyes. "No," she states. "No what?" I ask innocently. She glares at me. "I'm not doing anything," I promise. She finally sighs and rolls her eyes. "Fine, you win," she admits. "I don't want anything to change." Totally taken aback, I say, "What?" "Well..." she pauses. "We're going to middle school in just a couple of weeks. We're leaving elementary. This will be a completely new chapter for us. What if... what if I don't like how it turns out?" My expression immediately softens. "Not everything will change," I reassure her. "I'll always be with you." "But what about what happened last year...?" she asks. "They can't do anything anymore," I tell her. She smiles. I love it when she smiles.

Crystal SkiesWhere stories live. Discover now