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"You know, no one's coming after you. He just has grudges against you, the FBI already closed your case, its only SWORD wanting you gone." Y/N sits on the sofa in her hotel room as Wanda paces back and forth. She watches as she looks towards the door, and shakes her head. They were farther up, just on top of Delaware, just below New York.

"I can't believe this, I can't believe you." 

"I needed answers-"

"I wanted a nice life away from this, all of this, America, they don't want me here. Just because the case is closed, doesn't mean that they want me here. I will always be hated. I can't wait for the headlines on this one. 'The Scarlet Witch kidnaps America's Hero once again.'" 

"That's not true-"

Wanda shoots her head back, staring right at Y/N, angry. "I don't know how you did this, or even what you did, but I will somehow be the villain in America's story, they have me for war crimes and now probably kidnapping. I have enough things on my plate, I don't need this." Her eyes soften, looking at Y/N. She knew she'd been through a lot the past weeks. "I need to go, I can't be here."

"They won't even find you here. I know, I work for them, you won't be in trouble unless you get caught." Y/N stands up, right in front of Wanda. "And I won't let us get caught, you can trust me." Looking right into Wanda's eyes, she feels safe. Even knowing her past, reading her casefile and everything. "I just need to know the truth, I just need to know. Nobody knows what happened to me the weeks I went missing but you."

Wanda looks back into Y/N's eyes, sighing a bit. "I can't, you can get us caught, they probably put another tracker in you already."


"We took out the first one while you were with me." She puts her hand on the back of Y/N's neck, feeling for another tracker. Y/N winces in pain, closing her eyes, and remembering the same pain from them taking out the first tracker. 

"Okay, okay wait." Y/N pulls back, sitting back down, onto the bed instead. "Please just tell me what happened. I just, you can leave right after, I swear, I just, it's so much I don't know and it's like a part of me is missing and it's killing me." She puts her head in her hands. "It's been so hard recently and I just, needed to get away from everyone too, and I know you don't want to here but you have everything I need right now. I need you."

Hearing that made Wanda forget about wanting to even leave. She kneels down by Y/N and puts her hands on her arms, holding them while Y/N keeps her head down in her hands.  "I don't know what you're feeling right now, and I'm so sorry." Y/N looks up to her, eyes teary a little. "I can only help you as much as I can but it gets complicated." Y/N nods, wiping her eyes.

Wanda goes on to explain everything she could to when she let her go off onto her own. Most of the time, Y/N tried imagining everything but nothing Wanda said helped her remember. 

"But after I let you go, I don't know what happened. I shouldn't have let you go, I wasn't thinking," She looks at her face, seeing the scar on her face, right above her eyebrow, touching it slightly. They were both inches away from each other, feeling each others warmth. "If I could go back and protect you, I would've." 

In that moment, it was just them. Neither one of them broke eye contact with each other. They would get closer and closer a second. The feeling Y/N felt was familiar, she felt it about Wanda before. She puts her arms around Wanda's neck, pulling her closer. 

Their moment was ruined by a door opening up. A woman stands in the doorway. Wanda and Y/N pull apart. The girl gave them a smile, looking right towards Y/N.

"Wow, Y/N L/N, so nice to see you again." 


I know this was a short chapter, I got a lot of ideas in my head right now. Thank you all for 2k reads on this :)

- cota 

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