late night talks

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Y/N jolted awake and up. She felt the comfort over Wanda's bed, then the pain of her back. It was more tolerable now. She laid back down and looked around. She saw astral projecting Wanda in the corner and screamed. Wanda rushed in there as quick as possible.

"What's wrong? Anything happened? Is your back okay?" Wanda was quick to Y/N's side, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"There's another you!?" Y/N screamed. Wanda looked over and sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Oh don't do that, it was a reasonable question!" Y/N still scared of the second Wanda twitching and reading. Wanda got her astral projected self out of sight of Y/N.

"You know, if you're gonna scream, only do it if you're dying." Wanda sits on the edge of the bed. "I, uh, I went to a town pretty close to here and got you an air mattress, to sleep on. I was tired of you sleeping on the hard floor, and I thought you might be here for a bit so..." She pointed to the corner where there's a nice bed set up for her.

"Thank you for that, uh how long was I out?" She got out of Wanda's bed and into her new one. It was way more comfy than the floor.

"17 hours, give or take."

"Excuse me, 17 hours!?" She yelled out of shock, covering herself in blankets. It was freezing.

"Yeah, it's like 12 in the morning now." Wanda laid in the comfort of her bed. It smelt a little like Y/N, which did not bother her at all. "What have all your freak outs been about?"

"I get these feelings, and then these images of everything and its weird. I've never had these types of things happen to me." Wanda nodded, blowing out the candle right by her bed, making the room dark.

"This is new? Maybe you just hit your head to hard on a rock." They both laughed a little. "So what happened? I never asked."

"We got missiles down on us. Pretty not fun, I don't advise you to try it. But our vehicle was thrown back and rolled down a hill, I fell out, and now I'm here talking to you." Y/N chuckles a little, it wasn't funny but she wasn't able to process it fully still. "I had this girl in there, I really liked her but I don't even know if she's okay."

"What was her name?"

"Darcy. Darcy Lewis. She was hot and smart." Wanda knew the face and name. She felt a little mad, she didn't know if it was because of Westview or maybe something else. "But it was forced. Like I felt like I had to like her." That gave Wanda a small bit of relief but didn't acknowledge much of it.

"Do you miss anyone? Like your mom? You never talked about her." Wanda was trying to make a bit of small talk, she wasn't tired at all.

"I have such a rocky relationship with her. It was all just everywhere. First of all she wasn't apart of my life until I was like 15. Second, I hated her husband. He was verbally abusive to her and I. Third, she barely saw me ever. I tried to be in her life but never put much into being in mine, I think it was more or less because of her husband. I haven't talked to her since my dad's funeral." Wanda listened to her. Y/N appreciated that because that's all she wanted, was someone to listen. "She and her husband were so against my first girlfriend too, I tried convincing myself I was straight for far too long and just was like fuck it. They didn't see or talk to me for months after I told them to! It was annoying. I think I had one of my first crushes on Black Widow, pretty sure she was my gay awakening." Wanda laughed a little. "Did you have a crush on anyone? Like Steve or something? Besides Vision."

"I loved Vision with all my heart, and I could not imagine myself with anyone else, but Nat was hot." Wanda said with a small giggle 

"Exactly what I thought, no one is not attracted to her." Even though they couldn't see each other, they were both smiling. For the first time in a long time, they were both happy. 

Y/N was not at all tired from the whole fiasco that had happened early that day, but Wanda was out about 10 minutes after their small conversation. Y/N got up and walked around. She went outside to see how it was. 

It was freezing and snowing hard. Even with the suit on, she could still feel the cold. She walked out even more, hearing the crunch of the snow with every step. It was so quiet and peaceful. The snow was pretty deep too, walking in it wasn't so easy. She wandered and wandered. Just enjoying the night, the moon lighting up parts of the land. 

She got towards the lake, which was frozen over. She tested to see if it was enough for her to stand on. No cracks, so she went on, keeping her balance. She slowly walked on it to not fall. Venturing more and more deep into the middle of the lake. She heard a noise, it was faint. It was like a small beep, beep, beep. She looks around to try to find the source of the beeping but nothing. It's like its following her everywhere she went. The noise disorients her, while she tries to get off the ice, she slips forward. Luckily, she catches herself before her face gets jacked up by the ice. Sadly, her back starts to feel even worse. Instead of trying to get up, she just gives up and lays there.

Back at the cabin, Wanda jerks up, sensing something is wrong. She looks over to where Y/N is supposed to be, realizing that shes gone. "Oh shit..." 

Wanda jumps out of bed and hurries out to find her. She looks everywhere in the cabin. She hurries outside and starts calling out for Y/N. It was dark and she couldn't see anything. She sees her over on the ice and rushes over to her. 

"Took you long enough." Y/N says weakly."

"I didn't know taking you in meant I would have to take care of you every time you decided to wonder." Wanda says a little annoyed. She wasn't mad at Y/N or anything, she was just worried.

Wanda helps Y/N back to the cabin and to her bed. Wanda tries her best warm up Y/N, giving her many blankets. She touches her cheek and feels it, still cold. 

"Alright, hopefully you warm up." She says, her hand still on her cheek. She did the little thumb rubbing, not realizing what she was doing. "I'll be up for a little bit longer. Try to keep the wondering to a minimum." Y/N chuckles a little. 

They stare at each other for a bit. But the moment is ruined by Y/N hearing a beeping again. "Hey whats that beeping noise?"

"What beeping noise?" Wanda quickly takes her hand off of Y/N's cheek, realizing that she didn't need to do that anymore.

"You don't hear it?" 

"No, did the cold really get to you?"

"Wanda, I'm serious, its been going off ever since I wandered off."

"Where does it sound like it's coming from?" Y/N sits up and shrugs. 

Wanda starts to look around. She sees a little scar on the back of Y/N's neck. "When did that get there?"

"What?" Y/N says, feeling in the back of her neck. "What the heck, when did that get there?"

Wanda pushes a little on it, then realizes what it is. 

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