it aint easy

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"I swear we're lost Wanda, I don't see a road? There's supposed to be a road!" Y/N shouts. It's been almost 2 days since they've been venturing out. It seems like they haven't been getting anywhere. Just a bunch of snow and trees.

Y/N only barely felt the pain that was caused at the crash. She was numb from the cold, she could barely feel her hands and her toes were frozen. Wanda on the other hand ignored anything, just focused on finding their way out.

"We aren't lost, I know where we're going." Wanda said, slightly annoyed. Y/N has been complaining this whole time. "I wish I had just let them take you."

"Hey, I'm the fun of this! You would have been bored if I wasn't here!" Wanda stopped in her tracks and looked back at Y/N with a disapproving look.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you!"

"Hey, you can't blame me for this! I didn't choose to be blown up and I didn't choose for you to pick me up."

Wanda ignored what she said and kept walking. You could only hear the sound of their shoes crunching the branches and snow. Then you could hear the sound of cars rushing and honking.

"Told you we weren't lost."

"Okay, cool, but what are we going to hitch hike to where? I am dead sure they have people after us."

"No. You're going to hitch hike somewhere. You are going to go back to wherever you came from and tell them you got lost. Don't involve me in any of your story."

"You aren't going to come help me?" Y/N looks at Wanda, a bit disappointed. "You did all of this to help me, and you're just gonna give up here?"

"I'm not giving up, I'm already on America's bad side, they aren't gonna be too happy knowing I had America's hero at my house." Wanda hands Y/N a bag. "I have to go into hiding somewhere else."

"Fine. Thanks for the help." Y/N said that, she meant it sincere, but she also said it slightly annoyed. It's not like she wasn't thankful for everything Wanda did, she was just hoping Wanda would help her see everything through.

Y/N walked towards the busy highway that was backed up a little. She looked back to check if Wanda was still there but nothing. It wasn't like she didn't want to go home, she missed the comfort of being there. Y/N just liked the comfort of not being on her own anymore.

On the busy highway, she walked. Ignoring the honks beside her, only one person pulled over to help. Y/N looked back to the black SUV, walking a little faster. She wasn't scared of whoever that was, she just wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

The person in the SUV starts driving slowly behind her. She completely turns around, trying to see the person in the vehicle. Then out of nowhere, it turned dark. She struggled to get out of the persons hold but nothing. She had pulled a knife out of her pocket and went to stab the person, only for her hands to be caught. They were tied together, but she still tried kicking her way out.

She was shoved into the SUV, screaming still and kicking around. They raced off onto the highway, weaving through traffic...


Short update but I wanted y'all to have something again I apologize for the late updates, work :/
But I'm trying my best :)

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