short beginnings

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It all started out with a movie. Some movie her dad was so in love with, Top Gun. Y/N would watch that movie, sitting with her dad, and for the next years of her life, she wanted to make that her reality.

Single dad, single mom, split custody. That's all she can remember. She was 4 when her parents parents split. Her dad would tell her stories and stories about their life. She admired their relationship. She admired her dad, most of all.

Her dad had a small apartment which they would stay at for most of her life. He drove a beat up Chevy. They didn't have the rich life but she was always loved. He was all she had and wanted. 

The Top Gun phase started out when she was six. She bought all the jet toys, tiny soldiers, she dressed up as a pilot every Halloween. It was her dream. Although, Aviation wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to be the strongest. The ones her dad talked about, the Navy Seals.

It made her dad happy. She loved making her dad happy. But as she got older, life happened. She was moody, hormones, teenager. Always sneaking out to see boys, trying to live life to the fullest. Basically giving her dad grey hairs before he was 40.

She finally made it into the Navy, but not too long after, the Avengers banded together. She would always have to pick up after them. After the New York incident, she would have to recover many bodies.

She thought of it as a sacrifice. She tried thinking of them as the good guys. Like if they weren't there, who'd protect them from whatever aliens, androids, or wizards. She wanted to become one of them.

Her missions were growing and growing as time went on. She was able to take bigger missions. Her training also got a lot harder. She went from a scrawny teenager to a women who could take down a man 3 times her size in only 3 years. Sure she wasn't big and muscular but she had the strength.

Then Ultron happened. She was sent out to Sokovia on a mission. Not aware of anything happening, she saw the Avengers, evacuating people. She radioed the other people she came out with, but it was already too late. She watched the piece of earth get taken up above her.

She saw people falling or jumping off, screaming. She watched the avengers trying to save everyone. She tried to save everyone. She'd tried helping everyone around her, then debris started falling down and boom.

Everything went black. She woke up, a year later. Her dad  by her side. She had flowers and cards everywhere. No clue what was going on or where she was. Her dad filled her in on what was happening. Making sure to tell her about how the people she save came and gave her flowers and thanked her.

Her dad left the next morning after she got out. She gave him a hug and told him to be careful before he left. Little did she know, that would be the last time she would see him. He left to Lagos.

Unknowingly the Avengers were there. His building was destroyed by Wanda, and he died along with it. Y/N didn't hear about it until the day he was supposed to come back home. She was a mess, losing her father and best friend. It was too much to handle. 

She continued her training. All the hate building up for the Avengers. It went from wanting to become one to wanting to end them. She didn't know, or care to know, who it was that destroyed that building, she just wanted them gone.

2 years later, she became the Navy Seal she aspired. She made her dad proud, always keeping his picture in her cap. But it would only last for so long. Thanos and everything happened, and she was blipped...


yo i'm getting back to writing nowwww, but tell me what y'all think :)

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