Thought Process - Kunidazai 💫

Start from the beginning

Dazai cringed, "ye-"

"WHAT THE HELL CAN'T I GO A SINGLE DAY WITHOUT YOU MESSING UP MY SCHEDULE-" Kunikida yelled, slamming Dazai into a wall and trapping him there, glaring at him, trying very hard to not to just beat the man up. Dazai sweated nervously and gave his coworker a smile. (the photo above T>T)


"Are we about to kiss?" Dazai cut him off and Kunikida's mouth immediately snapped shut, his anger forgotten in the sudden absurdness of the question. 

"What- no- why would you think that??"

"Well so my thought process was, that you were soooo jealous of me asking that lady to commit suicide instead of you, and honestly Kunikida-kun, slamming people into walls is kinky I didn't know you had it in you~"

"T-that's not-" 

"And like- most people this close end up kissing~" Dazai finished, leaning forward just an inch with a small smirk and Kunikida realized just how close they were, noses almost touching and Dazai's dark bangs brushing his own spiky blonde ones. 

Kunikida shoved Dazai away, now very flustered and mumbled some excuse about the president and paperwork before hurrying away. 

what the actual HELL was that??

For some reason he couldn't keep thinking about what happened in his head, replaying the scene over and over again. But for some reason, that made him feel all warm and embarrassed. 

I wonder what it would be like kissing Osamu Dazai.

"WHAT" Kunikida exclaimed out loud, sitting straight up at the thought that had entered his brain. He mentally shoved it away and cleared his mind. 

Ranpo was staring at Kunikida. "Something wrong Kunikida-kun?"  

"UH- no, just not feeling well. I think I'm going to head home." 

With that, silence fell.

Kunikida was stunned at the words coming out of his own mouth- what was he saying?? This would mess up his schedule and the impact would send ripples of chaos through the rest of his plans- the whole week would be off and the whole month would dissolve into chaos-

The rest of the Agency looked just as surprised as he was himself, gaping at the idealist. 

"Wow, you must be really sick Kunikida-san." Kenji said, wide-eyed. 

"Never mind, I can't go home because of a trifle illness, that would mess up too much." Kunikida decided out loud, putting his head down to resume work.

Ranpo, who had just been watching Kunikida this whole time, noticed Dazai smirking in the corner and sat back, his mind piecing together what had happened like a puzzle. With a chuckle he sat back, popping a candy into his mouth. 

"Well, I'm going out, see you all later." The brunette himself said, standing and stretching.

"Don't you dare try to drown yourself again." Kunikida snapped as his partner walked to the door. 

"Awwww Kunikida-kun you care~" Dazai stuck out his tongue at the pony-tailed blonde before leaving.

Kunikida huffed and set about furiously doing his paperwork.

Later that day, he was very surprised when Dazai actually came back...  but it was now five in the afternoon and Kunikida was the only one still there, so he had no idea why the suicidal maniac had come back. Probably just to mess with him.

And indeed, Dazai came over and sat on Kunikida's desk.

The idealist ignored him and finished a report, sending it to the ADA president.

"Say Kunikida-kun...."

"What do you want now?" He replied with an internal groan, recognizing that thoughtful trouble making tone. 

"So, you have all your ideals for a woman... why not just date a guy? I mean if you have so many standards to set a woman to, then aren't you just not into them?"

Kunikida looked up, gaping at Dazai. "What are you implying?"

"Nuthin'" Dazai hopped of the desk and came closer. 

Kunikida glanced at him sideways, composing an email to one of the accountants about a budget problem. 

Dazai suddenly reached out, spun Kunkida's chair around, and stopped it when they were face to face, his arms on either side of the other to keep him trapped.

"That means I can be your ideal man, doesn't it~"

"W-what?! Stop messing around!!" The blonde replied, sitting back as far as he could with his back pressed against the chair. 

"You hurt my feelings, Kunikida-kun." Dazai replied with a pout, standing up. "Well, have a goodnight."

He turned around and left, his sandy trench coat floating out behind him as he walked.

Kunikida watched in stunned silence. If it had been day, you would've been able to see the rosy hue of his cheeks.


wednesday bishes

off topic but im watching AOT atm and Levi is 5'3 so is chuuya omg they are both so small and angry and badass i love them sm

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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