"What wedding?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Chase wedding, Elena. Didn't you say he is Adam's best friend," she exclaimed. "I don't know," my shoulders shrugged, for I truly don't know if I'm invited. Of course, Adam will be invited but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm included. 

It doesn't matter if I'm invited or not, I'm not interested in seeing his sweet brother and his amazing wife. The whole community of the guests is so unappealing that the thought of attending such an event flipped my stomach in uneasiness. 

"Speaking of which," Laura looked at me from the corner of her eyes, a devilish smile crept on her lips. Oh No! 

"Girlll! you have been glowing today," she squeaked in excitement. "Have you been using a new product or there is something else?" she trailed in teasing. A smile found its way on my lips and no matter how hard I tried to hide it, I couldn't. 

"None," I waved my hand in an attempt to drop off the topic. My mind kept going to the message Adam sent. I already miss him and I can't wait to finish my classes and snuggle with him in bed. Then my thoughts somehow made me cringe, I should stop being clingy. He might find me annoying. 

"Hey," a new familiar voice invades my thoughts. His blond hair looked wet as his hazel eyes look at me in what felt like admiration. Eric seated himself next to Laura and I nearly laughed when I saw her terrified expression. 

"Hi," I politely regarded back. Laura shifted in her seat, eyes widened looking at me in disbelief. Yeah her reaction is kind of understandable since we weren't so social here, so the odds of interacting with someone like Eric is very slim. But my life recently became interesting, and I'm not complaining. 

But Eric should know that I can't date him. I don't want to toy with his feelings, it will be horrible to give him hope and then crush it. "I'm gonna get some food, want some?" Laura asked as she stood from her chair, wandering her gaze between the two of us. 

"No thanks," he smiled warmly, and I swear I can see Laura melting over that smile he flashed her. I don't blame her though, he is indeed handsome. The atmosphere turned awkward as both of us stayed silent. 

"You are a great person, Eric," I said suddenly. He looked surprised but then leaned on his arms that were extended on the table. I know! that was out of nowhere but he needs to know. 

"That's why you never called," he said sadly. I tilted my head to the side, this is going to be a long talk. "Do you remember when you asked me on a date?" I asked looking directly at his eyes. 

He shifts in his seat, "yes." 

"I told you that I can't date meantime, and I don't like giving false hopes. And as I remember you said to just think about it as a 'random meet'," my voice came firmly as I looked at him longly.  

He remained silent. 

"Listen Eric. I made myself perfectly clear that day. For I'm not a horrible person to toy with your feelings and fool you around. It would be mean and awful and I don't wish that to anyone. You deserve the best, " I stated, putting a small smile on my lips. 

"Can I know what prevents you from dating me?" he sighed wiping a hand on his face. 

"I love someone," before I know it, words slipped through my mouth. I said it! 

Eric's gaze stared blankly at me, then he blinks and a wash of sadness appeared in those hazel eyes. He nodded in understanding and stood up in an attempt to leave. 

"Eric. Wait!" I touched his arms. 

"We can be...." 

He cut me before finishing my sentence, "friends?" 

Yeah, that was exactly what I was gonna say. He shook his head and smiled sadly at me, "I don't want to be your friend, Elena. I chose you for love and not friendship." 

My hands dropped to my side, words died in my chest. I have no words to respond to what he just said. I think I just broke his heart and I'm not proud of that. He left and I kept my gaze on his back as he walked through the doors. 

"He left?" Laura came back carrying a tray with a sandwich and a bottle of juice. I nodded at her. She looked disappointed and slowly began to eat. I looked at her while she ate as if she is the most interesting thing in the universe. 

Anything to keep me distracted from thinking about Eric's words and the guilt that was associated with the thought of the way he looked at me. It's my fault, I shouldn't have gone out with him. It gave him hope for more. 

"I'm leaving," I mumbled sliding my bag on my shoulder. 

Laura waved at me as I walked out of the cafeteria.

Walking to the apartment felt relieving as always, the breeze calmed my mind that keeps overthinking. I don't notice that I had already been in the building until the elevator binged marking its arrival. 

I automatically pressed the floor button and rested my head on the metal wall. Getting out, I shuffled the keys and opened the door. Lights were on and Adam stood near the counter stirring something in a pot. 

Once he sees me a huge warm smile painted his lips. Then I realized how much I miss him over the few hours I have been out. Dumping my belongings on the couch, I rushed to him nearly running. 

"Oh it looks like someone has missed me," he said, arms holding me in an embrace as I  buried my face in his chest inhaling his scent. I raised my head and smiled back, "very much." 

His forehead pressed against mine, and then brought his mouth and locked it with mine. Butterflies danced in my stomach and I will never get used to the sweet taste of his mouth. He deepened the kiss by parting my lips further. 

Breaking the kiss, I sighed gasping for air. Adam smiled pulling a strand behind my ear, "Go change, I made pasta." 

"Okay..." I was about to leave to change when I remembered his earlier message. "Quoting Mr. Rochester huh?" I said barely holding my laugh. 

Adam looked at me amusingly, "should I have not?" 

"I mean he is fine but I love Mr. Darcy more," I responded dreamily. Yeah, I have a weak spot for Mr. Darcy, not my fault that he is the most charming man in literature. Adam hummed nodding his head, "Is that so?"

"Yeah," before I know it, my world flipped upside down. I nearly screamed in surprise,  Adam is carrying me on his shoulder. "Put me down, Adam," I demanded feeling dizzy and scared of falling. 

"Oh hell no, you don't just say that you love a man and expect me to do nothing," he walked to our room holding me with his arms. 

He puts me on the bed and smiled at me devilishly, "My oh my, Elena Rutherford. Now, Mr. Darcy won't come to your rescue." 

I giggled, "The pasta?" 

"We can have it later," he said casually resting his hands on my waist and lightly took off my sweater. My face burned with heat but I found myself laughing, "I can't believe you got jealous of a fictional character." 

Adam tried to hide his smile but eventually, he laughed too. My hands reached his cheeks as I gazed at his ocean eyes. Sitting in his lap, I brought his face closer to mine and planted kisses all the way to his neck. 

I love him. 

I very much love him, and I shouldn't. 


Hey lovlies, I'm backkkk! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, it's just that I got really busy with my finals that I had no time to write. Now, what do you think about this chapter? please comment and vote. Stay safe. 

Love ya 💕           

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