"No, they didn't give me much this year, only three gifts", I hear a grunt and look up.

"What?" I say, putting my hands on my hips.

"Nothing, I don't want to fight today, can we just enjoy our Christmas? You know—. peace to ALL," he says, as he starts looking at his phone.

"What's on your phone?" I ask, "the very least my parents could have done is send a cell phone to me. I mean, seriously, they haven't even called me."

"This is what I'm looking at," and sits next to me, but not letting me touch his precious phone. He starts scrolling through pic after pic. Dewbies I've known my whole life, young, old, some my age.... they look different.

"What happened to them?" I say noticing how sick they all look and despondent.  Heif gives me the weirdest look....

"Karmony, those were the people in the water with you. These are updates on their condition." Heif tries to pull away, but I grab his phone again and look closer as he scrolls through once more for me.

"I didn't know." I whisper, seeing my friends, sad, lonely and lost, "did I look like that?" He doesn't answer, just nods his head yes. Part of me is sorry, and the other part is mad. Why were they in the water? Their condition isn't my fault, no one knew what would happen when the ring crossed into the forbidden cave. Feeling disgruntled and maybe slightly guilty, I shove the phone away and hop up, "let's go Heifer!"

We both dress and get ready for our walk. It's liberating to finally walk outside the door, but before I cross the threshold, Heif stops me with a warning, he's worse than a lifeguard in a kiddy pool.

"We are going for a walk, only, if you cannot be nice or polite. I will pick you up and carry you back here, do you understand?"

"Yes sir, lets' go!" I give him my best military salute.

It feels so good to look up, see the sky, and take a deep breath and inhale the air of freedom. I spin in circles, laughing, and see the snow piled up everywhere. Quickly, I drop to the embankment and start making a snow angel.

"Are you going to join me?" I ask Heif, but he just stands there and watches.

"No, but you make a cute angel, and probably the only wings you will ever get," he says, but in a teasing manner.

Getting up, I dust myself off and begin our trek in the snow-covered sidewalk. Heif takes my hand, which I fight at first, but then give up. I know he's only doing it, so I won't run away. But it makes my stomach do that flippy thing, and I really don't like it.

"Keep it up, and I will tie you around the waist with one of my famous knots," he whispers in my ear. To someone passing by, we simply look like a pair of sweethearts. The reality is I've been kidnapped by Frankenstein, and he's trying to switch out my brain. But, I'm on to him, I know who I am and what I want. Joven, I want Joven. Don't I??

We make it about a hundred yards or so and from a side alley Hattie comes running at me, followed by Billy. They are dirty and almost resemble a zombie. Hattie grabs my arm pulling me, while Billy tries to fight Heif.

Hattie is screaming something at me, but I keep looking at Billy climbing on Heif likes he's a goat and Heif is the mountain.

"Karmony did you hear me? Hattie screams.

"Do you have the ring!!"

"Karmony, Karmony... the ring?"

"Do you have it??"

"We need it Karmony, we have the power on our side, if we have the ring! Come, come, I know where it is.... Quick, let's go!!!"

Being pulled by Hattie I realize she hasn't showered in days, and probably not eaten either. Suddenly I feel my body pulled in the opposite direction. Both my arms extended, a human tug of rope competition.

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