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Marvel Universe

Nat's POV

A big yellow circle appears again and someone was coming out of it and it was Strange again

Nat: are you here to erase our memories?

Dr. S: hmm not quite

The whole team gathered around behind me

Tony: why are you here Strange?

Peter: yeah why are you here?

Dr. S: I want to give you guys a gift

Wanda: gift?

Nat: what gift

He points at the big yellow circle behind him and there was someone else coming in and it was a woman silhouette as she gets closer I started to make out who it was and it was

Thor: Y/N!!!

She came in with a huge warm smile on her face and I immediately run towards her and throw myself into her and gave her the tightest hug ever

Y/N: Woah there sweetheart 

She says and hugs me back and pulls me into a long passionate kiss our mouths synchronized with each other I missed her so much, as we pulled away I looked at her and I slapped her on the face

Y/N: ow! what was that for?!

She says while holding her cheek, she was so cute

Nat: that's for making me leave you!

she chuckles and grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek

Nat: I hate you

Y/N: oh, you love me

Nat: I know

she looked at the others and they were smiling at us and everyone gathered to give Y/N a group hug it was long and sweet, everyone pulls away and Y/N looked at me in the eye 

She kneels down on one knee and pulls out a small box and opened it and there was this beautiful diamond ring

Peter: is this really happening?!

Carol: yeah go bestie!

Wanda: awww!

Steve: this is beautiful

Tony: you guys are so cute

Thor: w-wow (wipes tear away)

Y/N: Natalia Alianova Romanoff will you marry me?

I was so caught up at the moment and I feel my heart beating so fast

Nat: y-yes

Y/N: yes?!

Nat: YES!!!

she smiles and hugs me tight I can hear the cheers of the team behind us but I didn't care it was just like both of us at that moment, she pulls away and removes the ring off the box, and puts it on my finger, and she grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss

Wanda: awww!

Tony: wow

Peter: say cheese( he says while holding his phone taking pictures of the moment)

the moment was so surreal it was like a dream 


he says while popping a bottle of champagne 

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