We meet again

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Avengers Universe

Nats Pov

I have been missing Y/N I miss her kisses her hug everything about her I and Steve don't interact with each other anymore Wanda And Carol are still mad at me and I feel so bad every night I would just cry because I just miss her so much at this point the whole team is now mad at me and Steve, especially Peter, God what was I thinking letting Steve touch me like that I'm so stupid I just really want her back at this point 

*Time Skip its been 2 weeks in this universe and in Y/N's universe its been 2 months*

Nat's POV

Its been 2 weeks And Fury sent Me, Thor, Tony, Peter, Carol, Wanda, and Steve for a mission and we went in the Quinjet we were going to fight the Hydra boss, we arrived and fight a lot of robots people with guns that can't even shoot after 10 mins of fighting endless groups of people we finally reached the boss and he wasn't there

Tony: Where the hell is he?

Steve: not sure

suddenly we hear a ticking sound

Wanda: ITS A BOMB!!

*a big explosion happens*

Nats POV

I woke up on a rooftop and all I remember is a bomb going off and a huge explosion I saw the others laying on the ground to I woke up thor first and he helped me wake up the others and we were all confused about where we were then we saw a huge billboard with Y/N's face in it and it says "Y/N Y/L/N is back buy the album, Natalia, now!!" 

Carol: I think we are in Y/n's universe 

Tony: shit what do we do now Cap?

Steve: We have to find Y/N first 

Peter: look!! she will be performing in the billboard awards that's what that huge sign said

Wanda: well have to find where ever this award show is going to be held at 

we here people screaming below the building and it was people with cameras yelling at us 

Peter: didn't Y/n tell us that we are famous in her universe?

Tony: well we have to change our suits and cover our faces

good thing there were laundry hung up on the rooftop that we were in so we took those clothes and put our suits in a case that tony has he said its built-in, in his suit  like nanotech

we successfully snuck out off the rooftop without getting chased by people, after 2 hrs of looking for that event we finally found it we snuck in and Wanda mind controlled the guards around the building so we went in easily and inside was a lot of people it was dark but there was this huge stage and-

Peter: look Mr stark that's your actor ( he says pointing at a guy in a suit in one of the tables and beside them was also our actors but Y/N wasn't there)

Tony: well I always look handsome

Carol: thor look at your actor he cut his hair and he looks better

Thor: I cut my hair last time, ok it just grew out but I do agree that that haircut was very interesting

I saw my actor and she is blonde she was wearing this dress that I would never wear but she looks great id give her that and the place was huge we sat on one of the bleachers and some girl was performing on stage I think her name was Nikki she was wearing almost nothing and a lot of people were screaming and cheering while she was performing then the performance ended and one of the hosts came out and introduced the next performer

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