bang, bang.

Mulai dari awal

I always knew that I could be pretty quick on my bike, but I don't think I ever even stopped as I darted through traffic to the hospital.

When the words 'Skyler' and 'attacked' blared through the phone, I nearly dropped the device, throwing it back to my brother as I turned and ran back to the dining room.

Ignoring Tommy, Marco, and my parents, I grabbed my keys and headed straight for the garage.

If anything had happened to my Shortcake, to my Bambina... I would never recover.

I ran through the automatic doors and straight to the ER's nurses station. I was running so fast and barely had time to stop, that as I finally made it to the desk, I gripped it tight, nearly tumbling over the top.

The two nurses that were sitting there, both jumped up, a little surprised by my frantic actions.

"Uh... can we help you, sir?"

"What room is Skyler Wilson in?!"

The two women looked at each other before back at me.

"Unfortunately sir, only immediate family members are allowed to visit for the rest of the evening."

"She's my fiance!"

I was desperate to see her and the second it came out, I felt my stomach flip.

Not only did calling Sky my fiance not feel weird-- it felt right.

The two nurses gave each other a look once more before the one on my right, nodded to the other, who typed something on the computer before looking up at me.

"She's speaking with the police right now, but as soon as they're finished you can see her. Room 204A."

After the short elevator ride, I stepped out and found Sky's room. And sure, enough, two cops were inside talking to my baby.

I held back for a few minutes, waiting a few seconds after they left her room before ducking out of the side waiting area I was in.

Two different feelings were coursing through my body as I walked into the room; seeing her tiny body in that hospital bed made me want to punch something, but when I saw the way she looked at me when she saw me... it's like I could finally feel my heart beating again.


"Teo...? What are you doing here?"

I stepped closer to her bed cautiously, praying that I didn't imagine the look she gave me when I walked in.

"My brother's wife works here. She's... kinda the doctor that's been looking out for you."

She nodded as it suddenly clicked for her.


"Don't be mad at her, though, okay? She just-- she knows how crazy I've been going."

The Last PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang