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Natsu's pov

I woke up in what I suppose was the inn I knocked on. I tried to get up but I couldn't so I just sat upright in my bed. "So you're finally awake boy." an old man said as he felt my forehead. "You had a terrible fever boy. I got it down a bit but it isn't completely gone yet. So don't go pushing yourself like you did when you arrived here with the girl." "Y/n. How is she doing?" "The girl is... Well. Her wound is terrible and she too has a high fever. She has fewer changes to survive."
A few days had gone by and I was healed and completely free to go where I wanted to. Bit I didn't go home. I stayed at the inn with my 'sister' and held her hand whole days waiting for her to wake up. Days passed quickly as her wound kept infecting over and over again. We all decided together that it would be better to place her over to Porlyusca. She hated humans but did allow me and Happy to stay. Hours went by, days, weeks, maybe even a whole month. I lost count of the days. Y/n had woken up but her wound wouldn't heal. But there were signs of it going better. And I kept having hope.

Porlyusca's pov

It has been a week since the boy had brought her here. Her wound isn't healing. I told him it was going better with her but I'm afraid that was a lie. If that wound keeps infecting like that I'm afraid she won't survive another week. But I can't bring it up to tell him. I know I hate people, but that boy. He has been raised together with that girl and they're always together. Sure he has other friends too but I think he thinks of her more than just a friend and sister. I think he might truly love her and I don't know what he will do if she dies. I just hope she gets better and if not that the boy doesn't do stupid things.

Natsu's pov

Porlyusca said that her wound was healing but I personally don't see any changes. I think she lied to me to calm me down.

Y/n's pov

Porlyusca told Natsu that my wound was healing but she told me the truth. There wasn't any sign of it healing and if it kept infecting like this I wouldn't live through another week. I decided that Natsu needed to know too so I told him. I think he likes me. But not only as a sister and friend, I think Natsu loves me so I have to keep fighting for him. I can't leave him alone 'cause I have no idea what he would do if I wasn't here anymore. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid. After I told him the truth he got angry and started yelling at Porlyusca. She almost kicked him out but I begged her not so she gave him something to calm down and he fell asleep not much after. "He is just worried about me Porlyusca-san. You can't kick him out now. If I die when he's not here he'll... he'll just..." the rest changed into tears and they rolled down my cheeks falling on Natsu who's head was laying on my lap. He woke up and apologized to Porlyusca saying he was just shocked and worried about me and she let him stay a little longer

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