Father: Do, last names?

Jason: That's me. We're in the Monster Apocalypse, names don't matter.

Father: I see, then you'll fit right in.

Lance: What does that mean?

Father: We don't use names either! 28, please come here.

28: Yes Father?

Reigen: Numbers, I see. That's why they didn't introduce themselves before.

Lance: What, how ridiculous is that!

Jason: A bit weird but ok.

Father: You can be number-

Jason: No. I don't want a number.

Father: Ah, what? But didn't you say-

Jason: My name, even though my last hasn't been used in two and a half months, is mine. The one my parents gave me and it's the only memory I have of them, and I'm not giving it up.

Reigen: Same here, I'm good how I am.

Jack: Sorry, but that is not needed with us. We don't plan on staying that long.

Father: I see. Well in any case, you are welcome here as long as you like. My home is your home. You're welcome to walk anywhere inside the walls, but I do say stay inside these wall, unless you plan to see God a bit sooner then expected.

Jack: Heh, we understand, and thank you. God bless.

Father: Indeed, God bless, all.

The Priest turns around and walks away.

Jason: What a weirdo.

Reigen: Jason.

Jason: Come on, it's true.

Jack: True or not, that man is letting us stay the night.

Skyler: He's right. I don't like this place, but where else are we going to go.

Mike: We can stay here till tomorrow. The sooner we get home the better.

Jack: Agreed.

Hunter: Till then, I guess we relax.

Lance: Sweet, guess I'll get some grub.

With that, everyone splits up and goes their own way. There isn't much to do in the small space, so most of them spent their time talking to the locals. At 7:55 PM, a bell rings. The locals start to gather in the center of the mall and wait.

In once of the stores, laid Jason and Reigen.

Reigen: Are you coming?

Jason: Nah, I'm good.

Reigen: Are you sure that's a good idea? They'll crucify you.

Jason: Ha ha ha, I'm ok. Not like they can do anything to me. Just say I fell asleep. I mean, I'm planning on it.

Reigen: Suit yourself.

Reigen gets up and walks out of the store. Jason puts his shirt over his eyes and relaxes. The past couple days has been nothing but stress and hard work for Jason, so this is the sleep he deserved.

Reigen walks out the the center of the mall surrounding the fountain. He looks around to see everyone wearing white, and on their knees. Reigen also gets on his knees and makes the sign of the cross, and starts praying.

Jack and Hunter walk in the center.

Hunter: Is it me or does this place give you the creeps?

Jack: Quiet Brother. We are only here for a day. These people most likely won't want to follow us to Red Point so there isn't anything to worry about.

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