Episode 6: Speedy Gunslinger

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The Loonatics arrived on their light cycles at a warehouse, locals say that Frelengian robots were spotted taking large steel machinery

Ace: Z, are we close?

Zadavia: *on the cycles dashboard screen* Yes, there may be some enemies beyond that large door

Lexi: *using her Sonic hearing* Odd, I don't hear anything in there 

Ace: Lemme check *he peaked through the window*

Duck: Well...? See anything?

Ace: Not really, Duck

Rev: I say we go inside, have a look around

Slam: Good plan

they enter the warehouse and look around

Tech: It does seem quiet

Rev: Too quiet

Duck: *walks around until he sees a shadowy silhouette of a Frelengian Robot* AAAAAHHHH!!!

Ace: Duck!

Duck: *turns on his flashlight and turns out, they're only boxes being stack one another and are filled with robot parts* Oh, phew

Ace: *runs over* You okay?

Duck: I'm fine, I'm fine. But if you say that I scream like a girl, I'll teleport you into the center of the Earth

Ace:....I never said you did

Tech: *whistles to get the teams attention* Everyone, take a look at this

Everyone goes over to Tech who is at a desk with a note stuck in to it

Ace: A note? *picks it up*

"Loonatics, you're out of time."

Lexi: *Her sonic hearing suddenly activates again* ACE, GET DOWN!!!

Ace: Huh?

A bullet from a high powered rifle suddenly burst through the wall towards Ace

Ace: AAH!

He rolls out of the way, the camera zooms through the hole revealing none other than Diego Gonzales aiming with his multi use sniper rifle

Diego: Hola *he aims and fires again*

Ace: *deflected it with his Guardian Strike Sword*

Diego: Whoa! *Ducks to avoid*

Slam: Come here, bad mouse!

Diego: I can easily take you out up here, amigo! *Shoots*

Slam: *turns into his Tornado form*

Diego: *takes cover and changes his ammo to explosive rounds, and switching to rapid fire mode* Come at me!

Slam: *growls and lunges forward*

Diego: *fires*

Rev: *dashes towards Rico* Never too late, Gonzales! And not for you either!

Diego: *sees Rev* Arriba Arriba Arriba! *dashes off*

Rev: Hey! I'm talking to you! *Dashes after him*

Rev and Diego starts chasing around the warehouse with Rev's red blur and Rico's yellow blur

Slam: So fast me can't keep up!

Rev and Diego runs around in circles and the Loonatics only see their red and yellow blur

Tech: Got an idea, not sure if it's a smart one tho *readies his magnetic power*

Ace: What plan?

Tech: Using my magnetic ability i could try to trap Diego to the wall

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