Episode 1: Antithesis

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The Loonatics headquarters which was once an abandoned skyscraper had now been renovated by the city as a token of gratitude. The Loonatics had the best equipment with Zadavia always there with them. Today however the Loonatics were having a chill day, none were in stress, until Rev Runner came through the door. 

Rev: *burst in* Guysguysguysguysguys!

Lexi: *playing pool with Tech* Rev?

Rev: My parents are coming and I want this place spotless!

Zadavia: Your parents, Rev? No need to panic

Rev: I NEED to panic! They're expecting this place nice and clean! *grabs a broom and starts sweeping faster*

Slam: Er. Me help?

Rev: Oh yeah definitely! Yesyesyesyesyes!

Slam: *looks at his friends, shrugs and goes into tornado form, collecting up any dust*

Rev: Ace, I need to brush your hair or ears! *gives him a hair brush*

Ace: Hey! I just showered!

Rev: NOW!!! *to Tech* Brush your teeth!

Tech: *a toothbrush is stuffed in his mouth* MMF!! *Growls*

Rev: *to Lexi* Wear something fancy!

Lexi: I'm not--


Zadavia: Rev.

Rev: YES!?!

Zadavia: Calm yourself, your parents wouldn't exactly like to see you so stressed out, would they?

Rev: Right...right

the elevator door knocks

Rev: They're here!

Zadavia: *Walks up* Let's introduce them together, Rev

Rev: Okay

Zadavia: *the door opens, Greetings, Rev Runner's family

Raph: Hello...weird lady?

Rev: Ma! Pa!

Harriet: Rev!

Ralph and Harriet hugs him

Rev: I'd like you both to meet my friends

Then, they approach the Loonatics

Ralph: Ah you must be the crime fighting super heroes, what was it? Lunatics? That's a silly name for a superhero team

Ace: It's LOOnatics, doc. L double o natics

Ralph: Makes sense

Rev: Ma, Pa, these are my--

Ralph: Oh let me handle the names son, let's see, you're Lace, Dock, Sam, Leksi, and-- *stops as he meets Tech* Oh, the coyote...

Tech: *held his hand out to shake*

Ralph: Oh *facepalms*

Tech: Excuse me?

Harriet: Oh dear, without a leash!

Rev: Ma, Pa. It's not 1966

Ralph: I know but it's still feels awkward to meet one

Rev: *to Tech* Sorry, they still have coyote issues

Tech: Maybe I should get back to work *looks back at his parents* Wouldn't want accidentally eat your ma and pa

Rev: *Sighs* Ma, Pa. What brings you both here?

Ralph: Two things, wanting to see my big boy in his new life. And two, Jon and Rip have both gone missing

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