Episode 3: Gravity Hurts

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In the headquarters, Zadavia is preparing for breakfast. She know a little about cooking but Duck helps her how to do it.

Duck: Real simple, take the mix and pour it on the pan, but not too much

Zadavia: Okay *She carefully pours some mix on the pan and prepares to cook it* What is a "cakepan" like, Duck?

Duck: This one and it's PANCAKE, not cakepan

Zadavia: Oh okay, okay okay, noted

Lexi just sat on the couch, looking through posts from Litebook.

(That's an alternative version of Facebook)

she then found a profile marked Witch Blair who works at the satellite observatory

Lexi: *interested* Oh, okay

Witch Blair at that moment, posted a photo, stating a suspicious person wearing a long trench coat and a hood, had been sighted outside the observatory for the last few days

Lexi: Huh? Guys, look

Ace: *Leans over* Sup, Lex?

Lexi: Check out on Witch Blair's Post

Slam: looks That is lizard Anti-Loonatic!

Rev: It's Komodo Zero He's been sighted around the observatory for a few days, he might be planning to steal something like Sapphire did

Ace: Huh, well it looks like he did

Tech: *Leaves the lab* Guys.

Ace: What?

Tech: The observatory has been put under lockdown, someone is trying to break in

Lexi: We know, it's Komodo Zero

Ace: We can't let him steal whatever he's after, let's jet!!

Zadavia: Right after breakfast I made

Ace: Dang..guess breakfast can wait

Zadavia: Well okay, but you better eat your breakfast after you're done

Duck: Of course we will, Zadavia! *whispers* She's seriously acting like a mom to us...

Rev: *whispers* I know right

Ace: *whispers* Not that I'm complaining, my family still don't approve of what I'm doing

Lexi: Let's just go guys and stop that lizard

Meanwhile at the observatory, multiple people and scientists were held with their hands up by Frelengian androids

Android: No movement

Civilian: What do you want?

Zero: *lands in* Don't be alarmed, we just need your largest satellite dish, no harm will come now, where is it?

Civilian 2: I will never tell you

Zero: *Lifts him up* Not a healthy choice of words

Everyone gasps

Witch Blair: Hey!

Zero: Hm? *turns to her*

Witch Blair: Put. Him. Down

Zero: *lets him drop down* Are you threatening me?

Witch Blair: Yes, I am *pulls out her wand to ready to attack*

Zero: *Clicks his jaw* This will be interesting 

Activating his power, he pulls up a tank and throws it at her

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