The Ghost of You

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CHAPTER TWO: The Ghost of You

Kyokuma starts at the academy! She will meet new friends and experience the life of a growing ninja. She is still full of energy, and will make sure those around her know that. Showing promise to become a great shinobi causes intrigue to some but scares the rest. Kyokuma was finally beginning to see the world, and she gripped it tight in her monstrous grip. Her promise to become a strong ninja, not forgotten. Nothing would stand in her way.

"There's no medicine for falling in love"

Kyokuma raised her hand to cover her squinting eyes. The sunlight beamed down over her. She gripped her small brown bag with the other, and smiled at the display in front of her. Her parents were peeking from behind the academy gates. The small camera in her father's hands went off, and she gleamed in time for another shot. She let the sun blind her as she waved at her parents. Watching as her father began to dramatically sob, she slowly lowered her hand. His face buried into her mother's neck, and Mebuki began to console him. Kyokuma's eye twitched, then looked around in minor embarrassment. He quickly dropped the act when he saw her horror-filled gaze. With a final wave, Mebuki dragged her husband away from Kyokuma's line of sight.

Her horror did not last long, as it was replaced by her freakish excitement. Quickly turning to the academy door, she wished to throw it open, and begin her life as a kunoichi. Instead, she ran into a soft chest. Raising her hands, she fumbled over apologies. Opening her eyes, she realized just who she bumped into. Her face dropped at the silver-haired chunin- who stood a head taller than her smaller frame. Kakashi Hatake.... Her mother informed her of the boy's name. When Mebuki questioned her interest with a slight grin, Kyokuma scowled. She only responded that she felt something in his presence. Her mother waved that thought from the small girl, and asked her to stay mindful of those around her. That the boy was alone after his father died, and that Kyokuma should be kind. The thought for potential kindness blew away with the wind when he opened his mouth.

"Don't you have a class to get to, or do you want to keep annoying me?" He sarcastically asked, and secretly hoped it would stop the small girl's examination of him.

Kakashi was uncomfortable in her presence, and he hoped it did not show. Their last interaction, or lack of one, left him bothered. She was the girl who stared at him with a look of confusion, as he had stared right back. The villagers gossiped that she terrorized ninja within the village, and for a moment, he felt she would start her troublesome acts on him. He knew that she was known as, "The Pink Beast." He did not understand the comparison, but once she spoke, he could feel a semblance of understanding.

"Don't you have another door to block?" Kyokuma growled, then huffed.

She was quick to brush away the pink strands of hair blocking her eyes. Which revealed her ever-growing scowl, and his face feigned the same feeling of agitation.

Kakashi, for a brief moment, wanted to respond and tell her she was the one to bump into him. The ten-year-old boy decided then that the academy girl was a waste of his time. He quickly side-stepped and began to walk away, wanting to be as far away from her as possible. The slight mumble, that is what I thought, caused him to skid on the dirt. His leave, interrupted by her quick remark. Kakashi turned his head, and watched as the academy doors slowly closed shut. With no trace of the girl, he scoffed. The chunin watched the door for a moment longer before shaking his head; a headache formed as he did so. He turned away from the entrance, and made his leave once more. Though, not without softly grumbling in annoyance as he did so.

Clutching her bag, Kyokuma raced down the hallways of the academy. Ignoring glances from the older ninja as she did so. Her classroom was coming up fast, so she stopped running and slid to face the door. Her smile radiated as she took a deep breath. Sliding the door open, she was met with a conversation-filled classroom. Softly stepping inside, she caught the attention of those speaking among each other. She took the opportunity of having everyone's attention and gave them her biggest smile and waved.

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