𝟸𝟻. 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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I was falling in and out of the darkness of my mind.

Though my limbs were numb, I felt the jostle and heard the crunch of each horse hoof in my straining ears. The pull of arms surrounded by waist, and my stomach churned with every motion. I wanted to be sick, but every time I tried to open my mouth over glimpses of white snow my throat only recoiled.

I didn't know how long we had been riding, It felt like hours, But it could have only been minutes. Techno kept muttering on to himself. Something about home. I kept hearing snippets of his yells. He kept saying to stay with him, I tried to laugh at the prospect of me wanting to stay with him, but the poison only rose on my throat, climbing over my eyes faster once again.

I tried. I really tried to stay. But the darkness was too inviting, and after what happened today... it was all too easy to slip away.


2 Years Ago

A hazed glow filled my vision and I was brought above a village, I had no body. It was almost like as if I was spectating a dream reality.

The houses were faintly translucent, and though it looked to be below freezing, not a snowflake that touched my skin chilled me.

Below me on the street, village men heaved snow off the streets, piling it into heaps to the side. Admist of all the sullen movements, Wilbur stood stark against the white. My breath caught. Each step of his boot sunk into powder deeper and deeper. He was looking down, a black cloth wrapped around his face to cover him. That's when I realized my surroundings, Dozens of wanted posters littered the sidewalks, stapled on trees, pinned against foggy windows.

If this is when I thought it was...

The only time Wilbur's face was plastered this much was after he announced the rebellion. Dream had never seen him as a threat before that. This was right about the time I entered the picture, right after I agreed to fight with him he took me to the van, immediately swearing me in. It was almost right after that when we signed our independence.

There was only so many times Wilbur parted with me so this had to be-

My heart dropped.

This was his secluded meeting with Dream before war broke out. He got a letter to meet in neutral territory right after the declaration. He hadn't let me read the parchment, and when I offered to be backup, he ordered Tommy to keep an eye on me.

He came back and never spoke of it again.

His heavy footsteps became easier as he approached what looked like to be an abandoned flat. The brick looked to be cracked, the windows shattered but covered with wooden panels.

My body blending from each location, i transmitted through the concrete. My eyes strained to grow accustomed to the darker area. I turned quickly around, trying to identify where Wilbur was so I wouldn't be caught off guard. The house was quiet. No shovel or shout was heard through the thick stone walls, or maybe I wondered absently my mind had just tuned it out to focus on the present.

Everything seemed surreal-almost ethereal, I was strangely content until someone strided to my side. Dream, his mask clean and crisp as if it had just been crafted. It might as well been, I had no idea. But this man, he wasn't my Dream. Really, the first interaction I had with the man was on those rooftops only mere nights ago. I had always begged Wilbur to let me fight in battle, I wanted to see the man I was training to reverently to kill.

But every time he left to fight with him I stayed.

"Welcome Wilbur." Dream stood stalk still beneath the mask. His sinister playfulness was cut short. Only death was in his hands, hands I knew itched to their blades just as mine had.

Wilbur appeared on the opposite end of the room, closing the rickety door behind him as he walked to the middle as Dream had. "I don't know if 'welcome' is the correct term." He mused, toeing a small bit of broken glass, easily identifiable as a beer bottle. It seemed he was as welcome as the drunks in the village.

A smile never creeped on Dream's face. It unnerved me. "You know what I called you for." He said simply, but not lightly.

"And your not going to get it."

Dream dragged his thumb across his lip, and then I noticed a thin scar there that I hadn't before. Where had he gotten it?

The masked male considered Wilbur for a moment, "What's your price."

Wilbur looked amused, "How such a price could be put on her," he smiled just a little. But my mind's carefully crafted walls were crumbling.


He pushed a stray hair from his face, the snow on it falling and melting into hardwood. "Not for sale."

"You don't even understand her, you can't control her. Give her to me and she will be off your hands."

Wilbur stayed silent, the steady screak of the house slipped into my senses.

"Give her to me... or this war won't just be about land Wilbur."

HIs eyebrows lowered, "If you are this worked up about a spider hybrid from the east-" he smiled. "I'll keep her."

Dream's hand twitched. "Tell me where she is."

"Oh you know where she is," he flicked his hand in dismissal as if his command had no effect. "What I know concerns you though is Dream SMP law." Wilbur grinned backing up and flinging out his hands to encompass the room. His eyes the same copper as when I met him for the first time. "If you trespass into claimed land you give me full right to defend myself, and in doing so solidify L'manburg as a country."

Dream drew up a breath, letting it go slowly. "I will see her on the battle field then."

"Sure you will." Wilbur smirked, turning to leave. He was just about to put his mask over his nose before Dream spoke up.

"Its inevitable you know, I always get my way. She will be mine."

Wilbur turned his face just a bit, his eyes alight with challenge and anger. His jaw ticked, "We'll see."

The brunette strode through the door, letting in snow flurries which quickly added to the damp interior.

I sucked in a breath and as if Dream could hear me, he turned his head my way scanning for the source of the noise. If what they were saying actually happened-I shook. Taking quick steps back from the man, I almost fell dashing to the opposite door of Wilbur's. The once quiet room filled with the beat of my heart, every step to the door seeming farther away.

But as I opened it, and the cold rushed in, Dream stood before me, my Dream. His mask was near cracked and bloody, the armor he had on just mere minutes ago. He was so close our breath in the cold drew from each other.

He smiled down at me, so dutifully happy like I was the only one in the room. Like I meant everything.

As his grin turned darker, the world caved and I was taken again.


25th chapter and 25th of December guys i totally planned this

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