No Control

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I lie alone in the dark.
I can't see anything, not even a spark.
No light, no sound.
Just all shadow around.
My mind is at once, a peaceful quiet,
But thundering about is a riot,
Of thoughts and hate,
It just all berates.
I have no feeling,
Not even the pain I'm dealing.
My emotions are drained,
My body feels chained.
I'm empty and numb,
I don't know where I'm from.
I have no self-direction,
I do not know my last affections.
I've been in the dark so long,
I've lost all of the song.
The song of life,
My life is just another knife.
The song of glee,
My happiness is no longer thee.
I've lost myself.
I've lost my sanity,
I've lost all control,
I've lost the world,
I've lost you,
I've lost emotions,
I've lost my will to live,
Because of one simple person.
He lurks in the shadows, watching you closely,
He waits for your moment of weakness, mostly.
He carries a knife for your back,
He waits patiently to attack.
He has a gun to your head,
He knows you wouldn't mind to be dead.
He has a rope for neck,
Because your life is a wreck.
He has a bottle of pills,
Because reality kills.
He has your chance to be what you've always pled.
He has your chance, your wish, your dream, to be dead.
His name is depression,
Suicide in disguise.
If you meet him in the dark,
Keep in mind, he'll leave quite a mark.
He eats away at emotions and feelings,
Make it all too hard to bear your dealings.
He takes over your soul,
Until you've lost...all......control.

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