"A relationship based on real deep feelings then!"

He doesn't reply, just grins like an idiot.

"Has she met Mia?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

His grin drops "nah, it's not that serious, it's not serious at all, it's jus' sex an' a bit about bein' seen togetha, it's good for sponsorship deals to be seen with other famous people"

"Other famous people!" I squeak "are you actually referring to yourself as famous now??"

"Well, yeah, I guess? Wot would you call me? I'm on the front pages as much as the back?"

"Fucking seriously? You're actually serious?" I try to stop laughing "being on the front page for shagging around between games, and getting caught speeding in flash cars doesn't make you famous Jack....." A flash of hurt crosses his face.....fucking twat, but I soften "you're a footballer Jack, you're in your own little category "

"Next Beckham like" he grins.

I roll my eyes at him before getting Mia's stuff together for them, she's got a cold and I laden Jack up with vapour rub and Calpol, he tells me he's got all this stuff at home and he's more than capable of dealing with a one year old with a snotty nose.



We arrive at the party.

"Wow this is a bit nice isn't it?" Craig says taking it all in. Ben's place is all white marble and black metal. Much less homely than Jacks house. Slightly Mediterranean and a little clinical in its decor.

Jack has spotted us and comes over in his ripped jeans and gaudy Gucci sweatshirt.

Nicole is in tow. She's bloody gorgeous.
Jack politely does the introductions and only I seem to be aware of the smirk his hiding. Nicole obviously doesn't know him that well.

"So you're the baby mama! I love seeing the photos of her, she looks like such a cutie pie!"

I grimace. 'baby mama' really, I look towards Jack whose just greeted Sian and Jasmin and has now turned his attention to Craig.

"Hey buddy ya alright" Jack slaps Craig on the back, I'm sure a little harder than he needed to.

"Yes! I am! You? Excellent game today pal, you're on fire this season! I can't fucking wait to see you all in action at Wembley!"

"Ah yeah ya got tickets ain't ya? Do ya know where ya sitting? Are the seats alright? I can probably get ya club tickets ya know, but depends where ya've got, I know me mates if they get lower tier seats they prefer them ya get me?"

"Yeah pal, I get ya, I'm not too sure you know, I'll have to ask my mate you know, he sorted them" Jack nods but I can see he's already moved on, Madders, Declan and Mason have arrived, they spot us with Jack and say a quick hello and half pay attention as I introduce Craig and they politely say hello before they head off to find drinks. I notice that Nicole has long gone and see that she's also brought a friend along.

Layla appears and breezes around like she's lady of the manor, Jasmin grabs her and they disappear into an empty room. Me and Sian exchange glances, during the drive down here I told Jasmin that Jack had said no chance was Ben proposing and that one of us needed to chat to her about her level of expectation. Jasmin drew the short straw.

Me, Craig and Sian are chatting to Madders who is getting deeper into some football debate with Craig.
I know Sian's on the look out for Chris.

She gives me a nudge and asks me to go to the kitchen with her for a drink, so I know she's seen him heading that way.

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