The monitor beeped and we all turned to see Jasper calling.

“Hey, that's Jasper calling from upstairs.” JJ said before going over and answering it.

“Ah great.” Dad groaned and me and Sof gave him a look and he turned his attention back to the monitor.

Me and Henry also walked towards the monitors also and he kissed my head, and I was still drinking the Slurpee.

Dang this is good, and I’m getting distracted by a dang slurpee.  That’s the first. It was also Cherry which was my favorite flavor.

“What’s up?” JJ asked Jasper when she answered it.

“Hey it’s me Jasper.” Jasper greeted me and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah we can see you.” JJ replied.

“Cool, so uh Henry-” Henry and Dad both got up and approached the monitor, and I sat in the chair.

“Yeah what’s up big dawg, what ya need?” Henry asked him.

“Your sister is here.” Jasper informed me.

“What? Why? What does she want?” Henry asked with shock.

“I don’t know.” Jasper admitted. “I told her you were busy and then she got mad and said she’s not leaving until she talks to you.”

Henry sighed. “Are you sure she’s mad?”

“Yeah, look at her pacing angrily.” Jasper told us and showed us Piper pacing angrily.

“Look, just tell her I’ll see her at home.” Henry told him.

“Hey I already tried telling Piper you’d talk to her later.” Jasper says.

“And?” JJ asked.

“She grabbed my earlobe and yanked it really hard!” Jasper exclaimed and I snickered. “And then she started asking all kinds of questions about Junk N Stuff and why you’re never here, and why there’s no customers.”

“Alright kid, maybe you better go upstairs and get rid of our sister.” Dad suggested and I saw that JJ nodded her head.

“Aright be back in a sec.” Henry agreed and him and I started walking towards the elevator.

“Uh, kid.” Dad said and Henry turned to them.

“Huh? What?” Henry asked.

“Maybe you want to chew some gum before you go see your sister.” Dad suggested noticing the Kid Danger attire that’s still on.

“Why is my breath bad?” Henry asks.

“Yeah it smells like Kid Danger.” I remarked with a grin.

Henry looked and smiled. “Ah!”

I giggled before we walked to the elevator and popped a gum ball into his mouth.

~~In the elevator~~

Henry transformed back into his regular clothes, and I smiled as that didn't get old. It’s just so satisfying watching it.

He smiled back at me, and I kissed his cheek, and he wrapped his arms around my body. He kissed me passionately on the lips and I kissed him back, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had his hands on my torso.

“I love you beautiful.” He says and I smile, which made him smile back at me.

“I love you handsome.” I say and he kissed me passionately on the lips.

Then the elevator stopped, and I pouted as me and Henry let go of each other.

Junk N Stuff

Henry and I walked out of the elevator, and I sat on top of the counter, watching this all happening. Then a couple of minutes later Piper told Henry about this Meet Cute thing, and it was hilarious. Especially seeing Henry’s animated form in the video, with his brown hair. I laughed when I saw that and he glared at me.

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