I smile at him "I'm not staying the night Jack"


9pm everyone has gone home. Jack is putting Mia to bed alone to try to keep her in her normal routine here.
I'm sitting at the dining table going through all the cards and presents Mia has received today.

By time Jack comes back downstairs I'm on my third glass of wine.

He sits on the chair next to me. "So ya are staying?"

I drain my glass "looks like it"

He gets up and grabs another bottle from the fridge and a glass for himself.
He sits back down and silently pours us both another glass.
He hands my glass to me and raises his.

"To Mia, and a year of being awesome parents together"

"To Mia" I raise my glass and chink it to his.

"Are ya ok if I put this picture on Instagram?" He holds his phone out, he's got a photo of Mia from behind her cake in front of her.

"Yeah go on then"

We spend a few minutes going through her birthday photos and saving them into the Google photos folder we share, making sure we've both uploaded our most recent photos.

"She's been spoilt" I say indicating at the pile of cards in front of me.

"Everyone adores her Chels, ya know they do" he pauses, "She's easy to adore, she's like her mommy"

I look down "Jack, please don't"


I cut him off
"- Jack I'm seeing someone"

"Are ya? Who?"

"It doesn't matter who, but I am...."

"Since when?"

"It's new, I met him before Christmas, but we've just had a couple of dates recently"

"Is it serious" his eyes are burning into me.

"It's just a couple of dates so far, but it's been fun"

"Ya slept with him?"

I give him a death stare "that's none of your business........how many girls have you slept with since Christmas?"

He sniggers, "but that's different, I'm not telling ya I'm seeing someone.......telling me ya seeing someone, that's me business y'know if ya gonna have someone around, close to Mia"

"It's not serious, but I am enjoying spending time with him, it might get serious"

He looks intently at me. "Good for you" he sounds genuine.


"Yeah, I jus' hope he treats ya betta than me....."

"Keeps it in his pants you mean?"


"Go on, give me a laugh how many since Christmas?" I sit back watching him squirm.

"Maybe.....I dunno, 4, 5......5 I think"

"You're disgusting" I shake my head.

"I think like, yeah no, is it like a real thing to be addicted to sex?"

I burst out laughing, literally snorting through my nose, spitting out my drink laughing.
I notice his face and he actually looks serious, but that just makes me laugh even more.

"Oh yeah cheers, yeah, thanks a lot!"

"Jack I don't think your issue is you're addicted to sex, it's that you just can't say no when it's offered to you on a plate!"

"It's jus'.....yeah.....I dunno, I miss ya Chels"

"You see me twice a fortnight"

"Ya know wot I mean, I miss ya, bein' with ya"

"I don't know what you want me to say when you say things like that Jack......you were the one that went and let your ex suck your dick when I was waiting at home......all you had to do was come home and you know full well if you'd woken me up I'd never say no to you...."

He sighs and rests his head back "yeah I know" he finishes his drink and tops both our glasses up.
"I jus' wish you'd given me another chance"

"You would have done it again.....and again"

He doesn't deny or protest my claim. Just stares ahead.
"So like ya don' even wanna be like casual fuck buddies anymore, cos I like that y'know, knowing that I can still have ya, sometimes"

I put my drink down roughly "but that's exactly the problem Jack! You cant fucking have your cake and eat it!" My words come out harsher than I expected.

He looks wounded. "I jus' thought y'know it wheren't hurtin' no one. Best a both worlds!"

"Oh my god, you just never get it do you? Jack you're such a fucker, you literally are"

"Wot? Tell me ya didn't start drinkin' cos ya was hoping that if ya stayed somethin' would happen between us?"

"You are unbelievable Jack! UNBELIEVABLE! NO! No, I did not think that!"

He smirks at me. Fucking twat!

"I'm going to bed! I'll take the front spare room next to Mia's room" I storm up the stairs leaving him staring after me.

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