2.) Work Transfer

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You woke up to the sounds of ringing from your phone. You grabbed it with your right hand, pulling it close to your face to see that it was your alarm going off. You tapped the 'stop' button and set the device beside you on the nightstand.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you yawned, stretching your arms out from your stiff position. You forced yourself out of bed and into the shower, washing yourself then getting out quickly. Once your body was dry, you threw your hair up into a towel to let that dry as well. You go through your morning routine, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth and getting ready for the day.

You were able to enjoy mornings since your father was gone before you were and the feeling of peace seemed to not last long since you had to leave so soon. You grabbed your purse and keys, locking the front door behind you and making your way to your car. Once the car was started, you backed out of your driveway then drove off towards your workplace.

You pulled into the parking lot of Fazbear Inc. and stepped out your car after shutting it off. This wasn't a children's pizzeria, this was a corporate building that belong to the owners and executives of the Fazbear franchise. You worked there as a janitor, as humiliating as that sounds. But you knew that it pays so you didn't mind to clean up the place as your occupation. In a way, it gave you a sense of purpose. It made you feel as if you were needed and appreciated... Kinda..

You entered the building and was greeted by your workplace friend, Reyna. She smiled brightly with her pearly white teeth, making you feel more welcomed here than anywhere else. You focused on her features: blue eyes, light freckles, blond hair in a ponytail, and wearing a brown sweater with black slacks. She was very vibrant and beautiful for a 40 year old woman.

"Good morning, (Y/n)! How are you this morning?" Reyna asked as she sat behind her desk, taking a sip from her coffee.

You answered honestly and said, "This morning has been good, I got a few extra hours of sleep so I'm not complaining." You approached her desk with a smile, "And how are you?"

She set her coffee down and looked at you with slight concern, "I've been well, but I've been talking with one of the executives this morning and he told me about the new PizzaPlex that has opened across town and how they're understaffed."

PizzaPlex? You remembered hearing talk of the new, expensive PizzaPlex that has been in the making for a few years now. You didn't realize they had already opened. A new, money-making installment to the Fazbear franchise. I swear these people would do anything to try and milk as much money as they could out of this.

You listened carefully to Reyna as she continued, "So, they have asked me to ask you if you would be interested in switching locations and start working at the new PizzaPlex as a janitor."

Your eyes widen and you were taken aback, and Reyna could tell from the look on your face. You would've never thought they would've asked you something like this, you've never even seen the new PizzaPlex! You blinked a few times and responded, "Woah, that's quite the offer! Um... I mean- I'm not exactly sure."

Reyna interjected, "It'll be ok, (Y/n). You don't need to feel intimidated or anything, it'll be the same work that you do here except the building will be bigger and you'll even get a little bit of a raise." Your eyebrows lifted at the word 'raise' and you wondered how much more you'd be making if you accepted this offer. Maybe you could finally make enough to move out and provide for yourself!

The thought alone was exciting and you didn't mind the thought of change, since you were quick to adapt. So, you smiled and agreed, "O-Ok! Yeah, I'll accept! But wait- that means I won't see you anymore." You pouted, and so did she. Reyna reached out and grabbed your hand and said, "I know, I'm sorry. But I'm really hoping this job goes well for you so you can finally move out."

Reyna was the only one that knew about your home life, except you didn't tell her about the physical abuse. She knew your dad was mean and she wanted you to have better. She made you feel like you deserved better. She was kinda like the mom you always wanted, super sweet and supportive. You didn't want to leave her, thinking that she was gonna be your only friend you'll ever have since your socially awkward and have a hard time making relationships with people.

You patted her hand and said, "Thank you so much, Reyna. You've been my only supporter and that means more to me than you'll ever know." She smiled back at you with upturned eyebrows and said, "Of course, (Y/n). You're a wonderful young woman and you deserve it."

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